關 鍵 詞: |
同業公會;經濟自律;強制入會;公會懲戒權;聯合行為;代表起訴;規範化的自我管制 |
中文摘要: |
在經濟自律的時代潮流下,各種行業紛紛組成區域性之同業公會,藉以透過公會組織,追求該同業之最大利益,並協調同業間之歧見,定紛止爭。但是,過度追求同業之最大利益外,有時反而造成與公共利益相互悖離,形成一種「私利團體」,而有以法律規範加以限制之必要。 本論文從「經濟自律」的觀點切入分析同業公會之本質及憲法基礎,並進一步分析我國對同業公會之管制規範、大法官相關解釋及行政法院對同業公會所提訴訟之相關判決,分析同業公會之地位與性質,懲戒處分之本質及同業公會與會員彼此間之關係等問題,藉以釐清經濟行政法中,較少受重視或討論之領域問題,並希望能以法律導正同業公會朝公共利益方向發展,並附帶檢討行政機關對同業公會之管制行為,以及法院判決之妥當性問題。
英文關鍵詞: |
Guild;Economic Self-regulation;Compulsory membership, Disciplinary Power of Guild;Joint Action, Delegate Plaintiff;Regulierte Selbstregulierung |
英文摘要: |
Under the requirement of economic self-regulation, various kind of business forms its regional guild to maximize its interests through its guild organization and settle arguments among its members. Nevertheless, sometimes over pursuing on its biggest interests conflicts with public interests, making guild become a kind of " private interest group ". Therefore, it is necessary to regulate guild with the law. This article analyzes the essence and constitutional basis of guild from the perspective of " economic self-regulation ", and further analyzes our regulation on guild, supreme court and administrative court decisions on suits filed by guild, status and character of guild, nature of disciplinary decisions and relation among guild and its members. From this article, some less addressed issues in Economic Administrative Law are clarified and guild can be directed to head toward public interests. This article also exams administrative regulation on guild and the appropriateness of court decisions.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、自治原則下之同業公會 一、經濟行政之管制體系與同業公會之角色 二、同業公會之意義定性及其分類 三、同業公會之法定權限與憲法界限 (一)強制入會(業必入會) (二)內部運作機制原則與權限 (三)懲戒權限 參、我國大法官相關解釋及其衍生問題 一、同業公會之地位與性質 二、懲戒委員會之懲戒處分 三、同業公會與會員關係 肆、行政法院對同業公會之相關判決 一、裁判類型 二、爭點整理 (一)同業公會違反公平交易法第 14 條聯合行為禁止之案例 (二)同業公會得否獨立以其名義代表會員起訴 伍、結論
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