關 鍵 詞: |
外國法人;基本權主體;企業主自由;投資自由 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Foreign Legal Person;Subject of Fundamental Rights;Freedom of Business Owner;Investment Freedom |
英文摘要: |
In an era where the international trade and the mobility of people and goods and services have become the norm, every country is committed to attracting foreign investment as one of its primary goals of economic policy. As a result, the focus of the economic administrative law in every country is devoted to the improvement of the business environment for foreign investment. When the laws or regulations provide better protection for foreign investors, the country will strengthen its legal basis for the protection of foreign investments. Since there are very few current articles analyzing the relationship between the protection of foreign investment and the protection of fundamental rights, this article firstly aims at reviewing the issues of whether foreign entities may be the subjects of the fundamental rights and then exploring the freedom of investing in economic business by foreign entities and their public rights in public law. It is hoped that this article will supplement some legal basis for the protection of foreign investment.
目 次: |
壹、問題意識與論述脈絡 貳、外國法人作為基本權主體-以德國法及歐盟法為借鏡 一、基本權主體 二、經濟活動之自由 參、外國人投資條例中的公法上權利 一、公法上權利之意涵與功能 二、保護規範理論下的公法上權利 肆、法律明確性面向上的疑慮 一、可預見標準 二、可司法性標準 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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