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因新冠肺炎疫情導致勞動辭退之應對方案-越南相關法例與適用建議(Solutions for Labor Retrenchment Caused by Covid-19 Pandemic in Vietnam: Regulations and Recommendations for Application)
編著譯者: 段氏芳葉楊金世元
出版日期: 2021.07
刊登出處: 台灣/中正財經法學第 23 期/235-276 頁
頁  數: 42 點閱次數: 433
下載點數: 168 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 國立中正大學財經法律學系 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 產業關係裁員單方面解除勞動合約經濟原因解除勞動合約結構技術變更導致勞動合約解除
中文摘要: 在勞資關係中,雇主有權管理和經營企業。在這些權利中,解僱工人是其中重要的一環。尤其是在面對當今 Covid-19 流行的時空背景下,雇主不得不透過裁員來降低用工成本。然而,雇主的裁員權卻違背了越南勞動法中所重視的工人保護的原則。在本篇文章中,透過與台灣、法國法律的比較,提供並分析在越南法律中,允許雇主在 Covid-19 疫情的背景下,合法行使裁員權的解決方案。
英文關鍵詞: Industrial RelationLabor RetrenchmentUnilateral Termination of the Labor ContractTermination of Labor Contract Due to Economic ReasonsTermination Of Labor Contract Due To Change in Structure and Technology
英文摘要: In industrial relations, employers are given the rights to manage and run the business. An important part of these rights is the right to lay off workers, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic when employers have to face with so many difficulties to cut down on employment cost. Thus, labor retrenchment is the vital solution. However, the employer’s right to reduce labor is contrary to the principle of workers’ protection for which is very important in Vietnam’s labor law. The article provides and analyzes the legal solutions of Vietnamese law in allowing employers to exercise their right of labor retrenchment in the context of Covid 19 pandemic. These legal solutions are presented on the basis of comparison with some provisions in Taiwan law and French law.
目  次: I. Introduction
II. Labor retrenchment solutions
A. Legal nature of labor retrenchment
B. Solutions to labor retrenchment due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and legal consequences of options
III. Other solutions of the business to overcome difficulties
A. Suspension of the labor contract
B. Let employees to temporarily stop working
IV. Conclusion
段氏芳葉、楊金世元,因新冠肺炎疫情導致勞動辭退之應對方案-越南相關法例與適用建議,中正財經法學,第 23 期,235-276 頁,2021年07月。