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NICHD 司法詢問技術於兒少性侵害案件之運用(The Application of NICHD Forensic Interview Techniques in Child Sexual Abuse Cases)
編著譯者: 鄭瑞隆
出版日期: 2017.11
刊登出處: 台灣/刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集第 20 期/271-288 頁
頁  數: 18 點閱次數: 698
下載點數: 72 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 鄭瑞隆
關 鍵 詞: NICHD司法詢問兒童性侵害
中文摘要: 兒童性侵害案件的偵查及審理難度甚高,通常很多年幼的受害兒童在面對司法詢問時會有陳述上的困難,其陳述也常常遭遇被告或辯護人質疑其可信度及完整性,使得兒童性侵害案件之起訴率及定罪率均不高,對於兒童性侵害被害人司法人權之維護與身心健康之保護均相當不利。
本文引用美國 NICHD 司法詢問技術為基礎,介紹對兒童性侵害案件司法詢問之應注意事項與技術,並且討論該技術在臺灣現行兒童性侵害案件偵查、調查及審理上可以與「減少被害人重複訊問流程」如何合併使用,也談及兒童性侵害被害人可能產生的創傷反應。如果辦理兒童性侵害案件的司法人員能充分認識兒童陳述經驗的特質,掌握對兒童司法詢問的技巧,瞭解兒童遭遇性侵害案件後的創傷症候,例如 PTSD(創傷後壓力症候群),則更能提高兒童性侵害案件之偵審品質,有助於維護兒童之司法人權。
英文關鍵詞: NICHDForensic InterviewChild Sexual Abuse
英文摘要: Investigation and trial of child sexual abuse cases are very difficult and of challenge for judicial officers, including prosecutors and judges. Child witnesses or victims of child sexual abuse generally have substantial difficulties or limitations when they are required to tell the truth and facts in front of the policemen, prosecutors, and judges. Since child's testimony has been frequently questioned or doubted by the accused or their defendants, both the prosecution rate and verdict rate of child sexual abused cases are typically low. Therefore, child victims of sexual abuse have been very disadvantageous and vulnerable in mental health care and in the protection of their human rights on judicial process.
The author introduces many important tips and principles for surrogating child witnesses and victims of sexual abuse by using the NICHD forensic interview protocol of the USA in this article. How the NICHD protocol could be merged into the current "Reduction of Repeated Statements for Sexual Abuse Victims" and the traumatic symptoms are also been discussed. If the judicial officers could be of familiar with general characteristics of the statements of child witnesses or victims, the traumatic stress reaction, for example, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the effective and reliable interview techniques like NICHD protocol, we might have the possibility to raise the quality of judicial investigation and verdict of child sexual abuse cases and, thereafter, might help promote and protect the judicial human rights of the victimized children.
目  次: 壹、前言及背景:兒少及心智障礙者性侵害案件偵審難度高
肆、NICHD 司法詢問技術的內涵
伍、原本臺灣多年前起實施的「減述流程」可否與 NICHD 詢問技術結合使用?
鄭瑞隆,NICHD 司法詢問技術於兒少性侵害案件之運用,刑事政策與犯罪研究論文集,第 20 期,271-288 頁,2017年11月。