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德國民法「歐盟化」之研究-以信用卡契約為例(The Influence of the EU Law on the German Civil Code under the Aspect of Payment Service Law)
編著譯者: 陳麗娟
出版日期: 2021.10
刊登出處: 台灣/法學叢刊第 66 卷 第 4 期/55-86 頁
頁  數: 32 點閱次數: 523
下載點數: 128 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 法學叢刊雜誌社
關 鍵 詞: 歐盟德國民法歐洲整合單一市場支付服務消費者保護
中文摘要: 德國民法在 1900 年 1 月 1 日生效施行,已經超過一個世紀,德國民法可以說是大陸法系的經典之作,同時也影響了我國民法的發展。隨著歐盟整合的深化與廣化,實現單一市場保證商品、人員、勞務及資金四大市場自由流通,漸漸地歐盟整合全體會員國的法律規範,特別是消費者權利的保護,歐盟主要公布指令整合會員國的法規差異,全體會員國必須轉換立法為國內法,因而德國將許多歐盟指令轉換立法納入民法,隨著歐盟深化與廣化的整合,德國民法已經因為轉換歐盟指令而改變了原來的樣貌。本文以歐盟的支付服務指令為例,探討歐盟法對德國民法之影響,並以信用卡契約為例,論述歐盟法與德國法的關係。首先論述歐盟法與德國民法間的關係發展演進,德國民法不斷的轉換相關消費者保護指令而逐漸的「歐盟化」;歐盟法院統一解釋與適用歐盟法,其判決對於歐盟整合的推動與對德國民法「歐盟化」有重要的影響;自 2009 年起,德國因為相繼轉換歐盟的第一個與第二個支付服務指令,增訂民法第 675c 條至第 676c 條支付服務規定,即成為信用卡契約的法律規範,也成為一個新型的有名契約。
英文關鍵詞: EUGerman Civil LawEuropean IntegrationSingle MarketPayment ServiceConsumer Protection
英文摘要: The German Civil Code came into effect on January 1. 1990. The German Civil Code can be not only regarded as a model of the continental civil law system, but also has a great influence on Taiwan’s Civil Code. With the deep and wide European integration and the completion of the Internal Market with free movements of goods, people, services and capitals, the EU has step by step harmonized the legal systems among the member states, in particular in the field of consumer protection law. The EU mainly publishes directives to harmonize the legal differences of member states. All member states must transform directives into the national legal system. Hence, Germany has transformed all directives into the Civil Code. This article takes the EU Payment Services Directives as example to analyze the influence of the EU law on the German Civil Code, especially the contract of credit card. First of all, it works on the relation between the EU law and the German Civil Code. The German Civil Code has been Europeanized through the transformation of the EU consumer protection directives. The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) plays an important role for the interpretation and application of the EU law. The decisions of the CJEU have contributed to the European integration and the Europeanization of the German Civil Code. Germany has transformed the Payment Services Directives into the §§ 675c-676c of the Civil Code. The contract of credit card is a kind of payment services and has become a new type of contract in the German Civil Code.
目  次: 壹、研究動機與目的
陳麗娟,德國民法「歐盟化」之研究-以信用卡契約為例,法學叢刊,第 66 卷 第 4 期,55-86 頁,2021年10月。