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論日本工作方式改革關聯法中勞基法之工時規制變革:兼論對我國工時制度之啟示(Regulations of Working Hours Amended in the Labor Standards Act in Relation to Act on the Arrangement of Related Acts to Promote Work Style Reform)
編著譯者: 徐婉寧
出版日期: 2021.12
刊登出處: 台灣/國立臺灣大學法學論叢第 50 卷 第 4 期/1809-1861 頁
頁  數: 53 點閱次數: 908
下載點數: 212 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 徐婉寧
關 鍵 詞: 工作時間工作方式改革關聯法延長工時上限高度專業勞動制彈性工時制裁量勞動制
中文摘要: 近年來,我國勞動基準法經過數次修正,其中工時規制的相關修法,一直是各界矚目的焦點。2016 年 12 月 21 日修法所增訂之一例一休制,於實務運作上饒生爭議,迫使修正後甫施行年餘之勞基法,再度於 2018 年 1 月 31 日修正,並於 2018 年 3 月 1 日施行。然 2018 年修法的重點雖以「四不變」堅持勞工權益,同時以「四彈性」賦予勞雇雙方適度彈性,而希望能達成「既保障勞工權益,也給予資方經營彈性」的政策目標,但對於工時規制的鬆綁,實則極為有限,而日本工商會與美國商會也認為我國勞基法過於僵化而應再次修法。因此勞基法是否有進一步修法的必要,仍為各界關心的重點,實有加以研究之必要。
無獨有偶,日本對於工時規制,亦可見新的動向。日本於 2018 年通過工作方式改革關聯法,其內容十分龐大且複雜,而與工時規制最密切相關者,則為勞基法上延長工時上限的規定,與高度專業勞動制的創設。
英文關鍵詞: working hoursAct on the Arrangement of Related Acts to Promote Work Style Reformregulatory limit on overtime workAdvanced Professionals Systemflex-time systemsdiscretionary-work systems
英文摘要: In recent years, the Labor Standards Act has been amended several times and the regulations of working hours are constantly the main focus of the society. The “one regular leave and one rest day” regulation, enacted in December 21st, 2016, has caused controversies in practice and therefore led to another amendment only a year later. The amendment was made on January 31st, 2018, and came into force one month after on March 1st. The main points of this amendment was to implement the government policy of protecting labor rights while granting proper flexibility to both the employees and the employers at the same time. However, the deregulation on working hours is still rather limited. The Japan Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei both regard the Act as too rigid and should be once again amended. Therefore, whether amendments are necessary is still the main concern of the society and calls for further research.
Coincidently, regulations of working hours in Japan have also been modified. Japan passed the Act on the Arrangement of Related Acts to Promote Work Style Reform in 2018, and the content of which is highly extensive and complicated. Regulations that are in close relation to working hours are regulatory limit on overtime work and establishing the Advanced Professionals System by Labor Standards Act.
This research plans to conduct a comparative research on the working hours regulations of Japan by comparing the legislative developments and to analyze whether regulations in Taiwan require further amendments. The paper will then propose a concrete conclusion for future amendment reference.
目  次: 壹、前言
徐婉寧,論日本工作方式改革關聯法中勞基法之工時規制變革:兼論對我國工時制度之啟示,國立臺灣大學法學論叢,第 50 卷 第 4 期,1809-1861 頁,2021年12月。