關 鍵 詞: |
漁業巡護;公海護漁;海域執法 |
中文摘要: |
我國海巡署的執法範圍,從領海拓展到專屬經濟海域、南沙太平島以及部分公海;其核心任務也從單純之治安維護,延伸至漁權維護、救生救難、海域治安、海洋事務與海洋保育。我國與周邊國家漁業存在爭執,與菲律賓在「廣大興漁船」事件後,簽訂《臺菲有關促進漁業事務執法合作協定》;與日本方面,我國公布「中華民國第一批專屬經濟海域暫定執法線」作為執法界線;至於釣魚台周遭臺日重疊專屬經濟海域的漁業作業安排及執法,則簽訂《臺日漁業協議》作為因應;另外在東沙與南沙海域,越界捕魚的越南籍漁船日益增多,對我國漁業形成壓力。中國漁民越界進入專屬經濟海域外,更在禁止與限制水域作業,威脅我國沿近海漁業。另外,中國遠洋漁業自 1985 年以來,持續發展預期將影響我國遠洋漁業。 我國為中西太平洋漁業委員會成員,自 2007 年與紐西蘭等 6 國遞交通知,同意進行公海相互登臨及檢查。我國於 2015 年加入北太平洋漁業委員會,該委員會於 2019 年正式實施公海登臨檢查。在距臺灣 4,676 浬處攔截「特宏興 368 號」,逮捕涉嫌殺害船長、輪機長的印尼籍漁工;在馬紹爾北方 1,000 浬處救援疑似中風的「聖○財 368 號」船長。 海巡署為維護我國漁權的重要執行單位,從成立至今 20 年,守護了我國漁業資源,也藉由實際的執勤作為突破我國在國際上的困境。在鄰近各國海巡能量逐漸增強的趨勢下,期待其未來發展。
英文關鍵詞: |
Fisheries patrolling;high sea fisheries patrolling;maritime law enforcement |
英文摘要: |
The maritime law enforcement area of Taiwan、s Coast Guard has been extended from the territorial sea to the waters of Exclusive Economic Zone, the Nan-shan Island and the high seas. By the same time, the core tasks of the Coast Guard have expanded from the initial the maintenance of social order to include fishery protection, search and rescue, maritime security, maritime affairs and marine protection. These are certain maritime disputes between Taiwan and its neighboring States. And thus, Taiwan concludes Law Enforcement Cooperation Agreement between Taiwan and the Philippines concerning the Promotion of Fisheries Affairs. With respect to Japan, Taiwan issued a Provisional Law Enforcement Line for the purpose of law enforcement in the overlapping EEZs between Taiwan and Japan. With respect to the dispute concerning Dia-yu Tai Island, the Taiwan- Japan Fisheries Agreement has been concluded. Furthermore, there are more and more illegally intruding fishing vessels in the waters around Dong-sha Island and Nan-sha Island. This causes tremendous pressure upon Taiwan、s fishery management. What is more significant is Chinese fishing vessels have intruded Taiwan、s EEZ in great numbers, some of them even appears in TS and CZ of Taiwan. Chinese fishing vessels even threatens the preservation and protection of Taiwan near coastal fisheries. Moreover, Chinese distant fishing fleets also pose threat to Taiwan、s distant fishing fleets ever since 1985. Taiwan is also a member of the WCPFC. There are six members, including New Zealand, that have exchange letter of notification for boarding and inspection with Taiwan. After becoming a member of WCPFC in 2005. Taiwan became a member of NPFC in 2015 and carries out the boarding and inspection works from 2019. The Coast Guard is Taiwan、s main agency for the protection of its fisheries resource and fishermen. It has been established more than 20 years. It also helps Taiwan in promoting Taiwan、s international status be actively participant in various maritime tasks. Facing the increasing maritime law enforcement strength of neighboring States, it is expected that Taiwan、s Coastal Guard will carry out its tasks as what it has done.
目 次: |
壹、引言 貳、海巡署之成立與護漁依據 一、海巡署成立沿革與變遷 二、執行護漁任務的法律根據 參、臺灣涉外漁業爭執與海巡署之護漁問題 一、引言 二、與周邊國家的漁業爭執 三、中國崛起後的漁業開展與對臺灣漁業資源與產業的壓迫 四、海巡署在遠洋漁業救護之功能與成效 五、國際漁業組織公海登檢 肆、海巡署對周邊漁業爭執的因應與成就 一、臺日及臺菲海域之護漁作為與成效 二、對中國籍漁船越界捕魚所採作為、因應與成效 伍、結論與展望
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