關 鍵 詞: |
金錢;貨幣/ 通貨;比特幣;金錢之債;支付服務;匯款;銀行帳戶;債務清償;給付遲延;危險移轉 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
money;currency;Bitcoin;monetary debt;payment service;credit transfer;bank account;settlement;default;transfer of risk |
英文摘要: |
The development of financial technology (FinTech) has not only resulted in the creation of emergent payment instruments, such as “electronic vouchers” and “electronic payments,” but has also resulted in the development of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, as alternative means of payment, which has strongly affected the conventional banking industry and become deeply integrated into the public’s daily economic lives. As a result, legal disputes related to electronic payments and virtual currencies will inevitably increase. To resolve such disputes, establishing a complete legal framework for payment transactions is necessary. Thus it is essential to do research into related issues about monetary debt, including the delineation of the legal concept of money and currency, the legal nature of monetary debt and the effectiveness of monetary policy in the case of settlement, and defaults and delays and comparing such legal issues surrounding the general debt relationship. In particular, payments are now frequently made through cashless payment services provided by conventional payment systems. Many financial institutes become involved in such transactions, thereby complicating the legal relationships among those involved in the money transmission. The responsibility of the debtor is in dispute when the money transmission is not precisely executed and the amount is consequently not credited to the creditor’s bank account. Such legal issues should be analyzed in detail according to the status and role of each financial institution in the payment operation process and its legal relationship with the other participants. In Taiwan, many issues with respect to the definition of some legal terms in payment services remain vague. The counterparts in German law are more rigorous and cautious. We found they are worth learning to improve the legal institutions of payment services in Taiwan.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、金錢之債的法律概念 一、民法上相關的規定與學說見解 二、金錢與貨幣的法律概念 三、金錢之債的法律概念 參、金融支付服務與金錢之債的清償 一、存款貨幣的清償效力 二、支付程序失誤的責任分配-款項未入帳 三、遲延責任的風險分配-款項遲延入帳 四、小結 肆、結論
相關法條: |
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相關函釋: |
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