關 鍵 詞: |
人性尊嚴;自主決定權;拒絕醫療權;無效醫療;善終權 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Human Dignity;Discretion;Right to Refuse Medical Treatment;Ineffective Medical Treatment;Right to End |
英文摘要: |
When doctors intervene in the patient's body, the patient's consent is already an unbreakable normative element. Therefore, there is no doubt that the right to self-determine life and death has been guaranteed at the constitutional level. However, like other basic human rights, autonomy is not guaranteed without limitation. Autonomy and the right to life are guaranteed by the constitution. The right to death will inevitably result in the deprivation of the right to life when the dignity of human beings is practiced, resulting in both. In view of the conflict of values, the principle of legal reservation should be complied with at this time. Therefore, our country has legislation on tranquillity and relaxation of medical treatment regulations and the law on patients5 autonomous rights. But whether the above-mentioned legislation can truly respect life and practice human dignity is not in doubt!
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、人性價值與尊嚴 參、病人自主決定權之真諦 一、人身完整性 二、自主決定人格價值 三、健康權、生命權與自主權之衝突 肆、無效醫療 伍、善終權 陸、結論
相關法條: |
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