關 鍵 詞: |
金融科技;監理;精準醫療;健康聯網;純網銀 |
中文摘要: |
金融科技之發展,驅動著金融業產生許多新穎之商業模式,對於現行法規定、監理規範造成衝擊,為了避免再次的金融危機,各國正思考如何制訂全新之監理政策加以因應且不抑制創新。精準醫療是最近幾年來快速崛起的一個話題;包含人工智慧在醫療應用以及健康聯網等討論。金融科技、網路發展快速,客戶的需求已從線下實體銀行轉為線上虛擬銀行,為因應客戶的需求行為的改變,促成純網路銀行的出現,各國已開始發展純網路銀行,並出現了新 的營利模式。
英文關鍵詞: |
Fintech;Regulation;Precision Medicine;Telemedicine;Internet-only Banks |
英文摘要: |
The financial technology (Fintech) industry continues to invest in innovations that create exciting new products and support evolving customer preferences. In addition, many Fintechs find themselves optimizing their business model by way of new products or services in response to customer needs, and in their partnerships with more regulated firms. Precision medicine uses an individual's unique clinical, molecular and lifestyle information to guide disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention for cancer, inherited diseases and other complex disorders. Internet only banks do not have any physical infrastructure. Instead, they invest in high end computer infrastructure that allows them to serve their customers in better and faster ways.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、個人資料保護與跨境傳輸 參、精準醫療、健康聯網及純網銀 肆、結論 一、相互尊重他國企業在本國的資料可近權 二、尊重國際雙方認同的資料傳輸格式 三、針對相關廠商資安等級的全面要求
相關法條: |
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