關 鍵 詞: |
露營;露營場管理;自治條例;消費者保護 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Camping;Campsite Management;Autonomous Ordinance;Consumer Protection |
英文摘要: |
In recent years, people have been keen to engage in camping activities, which has led to amazing business opportunities, but legal campsites are limited and there are many hidden risks. At present, the central government has insufficient management density and strength under the unclear management agency and lack of special laws. Due to the protection of consumer rights and the risk management of the industry, it is necessary to legalize campsite management. This research makes comparative analysis with reference to relevant foreign systems. In addition to highlighting the deficiencies in the existing legal system, this paper tries to find out the direction in which the camping legal system can develop, so that the competent authority can be used as a reference for future law and policy design.
目 次: |
壹、露營區管理之現制及限制 一、法制面 二、行政管理面 貳、外國法制的經驗 一、世界露營總會(F.I.C.C.) 二、美國 參、結論與建議 一、現制不足,亟待增修 二、重視消費者保護 三、律定專責機關及制定專法
相關法條: |
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相關論著: |