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行政法上認證與驗證之制度建構及其法理-以德國產品安全法為中心(下)(Theory and Legal System of Accreditation and Certification in Administrative Law: Focusing on German Product Safety Law)
編著譯者: 許登科
出版日期: 2021.10
刊登出處: 台灣/國立中正大學法學集刊第 73 期/1-58 頁
頁  數: 58 點閱次數: 383
下載點數: 232 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 中正大學法律學系 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 產品安全認證驗證程序民營化私程序法
中文摘要: 認證與驗證作為行政法之機制,在行政法制相對是一個較少被關注而待研究探討之領域。本文以德國產品安全法所建構之認證和驗證制度為觀察,探尋其在行政法上認證和驗證制度建構之法理,且進一步尋繹該制度建構在行政法理論基礎之關聯。本文對德國產品安全法之認證與驗證規定分析後,可知認證和驗證是不同之法律概念,並有不同法律關係內涵。但另一方面,認證和驗證是在確保產品安全之評鑑程序,即符合性評鑑程序。如此所建立起以符合性評鑑程序之確保而連結起認證和驗證此二機制,展現出一種行政法上認證和驗證制度之模型與法理。此外,驗證係由私人依驗證規範對製造商之產品為評鑑,性質上是由私人執行產品安全之預防性監督任務,本文因此發現,此乃德國行政法理論上程序民營化與私程序法理之展現。因此,整體來看,德國產品安全法所建構之認證和驗證制度,不只是以符合性評鑑程序之建立來連結運用認證和驗證機制,而且,係國家針對驗證機構居於私人地位執行符合性評鑑規範而推動之行政法制,既涉及程序民營化之行政,且是基於國家擔保責任所建構結合認證和驗證兩機制之私程序法制。總結而言,本文之探討,希能有助於我國對於認證與驗證運用在行政法制之法理的拓深,亦能對於民營化中程序民營化此一特殊類型之理解,以及其在行政法理論基礎面向有關私程序法之開展,有所釐清,並有助於我國推行民營化行政法制之正當化及其分析運用。
英文關鍵詞: Product SafetyAccreditationCertificationProceduralPrivatizationPrivate Due Process of Law
英文摘要: Nowadays, Accreditation and Certification are considered as instrumental mechanisms of Administrative Law. However, the structure and construction of Accreditation and Certification have received relatively little attention within research field in comparison with the utilization of Administrative Law. This article aims to explore the structural system of Accreditation and Certification based on Administrative Law in reference to the German Product Safety Law. Furthermore, it interprets the correlation between German Product Safety Law and legal theory of Administrative Law.
It has been acknowledged that Accreditation and Certification are different law concepts based on the comparison and observation of the review of this article as well as the research results from the German Law. On the other hand, using the combination of Accreditation and Certification systems is to ensure production safety. Accordingly, establishing a conventional assessment structure that connects both Accreditation and Certification system can help demonstrate a model of law in Accreditation and Certification systems of Administrative Law. Additionally, Certification possesses preventive controlling property for product safety as private manufactures follow certain certification council procedure. Therefore, this article will clarify the characteristics and differences between procedural privatization and Private Due Process of Law in reference to the privatization model of German Administrative Law. Overall, the establishment of Accreditation and Certification based on German Product Safety Law not only legislates procedural privatization, but also enables the state to take responsibility for ensuring Accreditation and Certification system. It is hoped that this article will help Taiwan strengthen the utilization of Accreditation and Certification in Administrative Law and further people's understanding of the concept of procedural privatization. Lastly, the Private Due Process of Law will be discussed and extended as the basic perspective of Administrative Law.
目  次: 壹、前言
  (二)基於歐盟 1985 年新觀點之開展
  (三)歐盟 2008 年新立法框架所提供法制基礎之建構
許登科,行政法上認證與驗證之制度建構及其法理-以德國產品安全法為中心(下),國立中正大學法學集刊,第 73 期,1-58 頁,2021年10月。