關 鍵 詞: |
保險事故;舉證責任分配;保單條款解釋;保單承保模式 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Insured Peril;Allocation of the Burden of Proof;Insurance Policies Interpretation;Insurance Policies Coverage Type |
英文摘要: |
A sustainable insurance claim requires a valid policy, an incidence loss, and a causation between loss and insured peril. In civil procedure, the regime of burden of proof means if the court is left in doubt on a fact in issue, the doubt is resolved by a rule that one party or the other carries the burden of proof. Under insurance claim of insured peril, assured and insurers undertake different matters and standards of proof, depend on all risk insurance policy or named insurance policy. This article will focus on legal issues between interpretation of insurance policies coverage type and allocation of the burden of proof in insured peril. The author hopes this article would lay the foundation of relevant legal provisions amending and the practice of court.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、舉證責任之概念 一、大陸法系 二、英美法系 三、小結 參、保險事故之舉證責任 一、英國保險法制 二、美國保險法制 三、日本保險法制 四、臺灣保險法制 肆、相關實務見解之探討 一、協會冷凍貨物條款 二、1983年協會定時條款-船體 三、健康保險契約條款 四、傷害保險契約條款 五、小結 伍、結語
相關法條: |
相關判解: |
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相關論著: |