關 鍵 詞: |
MMT療法;先期擇一治療模式;再犯接軌治療模式;戒癮治療;觀察勒戒 |
中文摘要: |
我國現行法制針對施用第一、二級毒品之行為人,所採取之「緩起訴處分附命戒癮治療」或「觀察勒戒」(或含強制戒治)並行雙軌模式係如何運作?最高法院依該院大法庭程序所作成之 110 年度台非字第 98 號與 110 年度台上字第 2096 號刑事判決先例而定調之見解為何?為使讀者明瞭戒癮治療與觀察勒戒之異同,何者對被告較為有利?此兩者間有無彼此互斥關係,抑或能相互取代、前後接軌?本文爰分項加以說明、釐清。
英文關鍵詞: |
methadone maintenance treatment;alternative treatment mode for early drug use;cohesive treatment mode for re-offending;addiction treatment;observation or rehabilitation |
英文摘要: |
Taiwan’s current legal system provides a parallel mode of “addiction treatment” or “observation or rehabilitation” (including compulsory rehabilitation program) for people who use heroin, amphetamines, and other drugs. How does it work? What is the view of the two judgments made by the Supreme Court in accordance with the procedures of the Grand Criminal Court? In order for readers to understand the similarities and differences between addiction treatment and observation or rehabilitation, and which is more beneficial to the defendant? Is there a mutually exclusive relationship between the two, or can they replace each other? This article explains and clarifies these issues.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、雙軌治療模式 一、先期擇一治療模式 (一)MMT 療法 (二)強制戒治「未滿」6 月不能繼續執行時之處理 二、再犯接軌治療模式 (一)已完成「前次療程未逾 3 年效期型」 (二)未完成「前次療程未逾 3 年效期型」 參、結論
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