關 鍵 詞: |
稅務協談;行政契約;事實上協議;和解契約 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Tax Negotiation;Administrative Contract;De Facto Agreement;Composition Contract |
英文摘要: |
The tax negotiation is a system designed by the taxation agency for practical considerations. Because of the nature of the tax negotiation, there are academic differences of opinion, and if the nature of the tax negotiation is identified as a composition contract. Whether it meets the requirements of the composition contract is to be clarified. After the composition contract is completed, the taxation agency will make the tax decision, whether it violates the administrative procedure law, it is also necessary to discuss. Furthermore, the level of the main points of the tax negotiation is only administrative rules, which leads to the problem of violating tax legalism. For this reason, scholars quoted the German point of view and defined the tax negotiation as a de facto agreement to separate the tax decision, thereby al leviating the disputes. However, there is no controversy over whether the above mentioned approach is not controversial. This article proposes different perspectives for thinking, and uses the relevant insights of German academic theory as a supplement to the explanat ion. In addi t ion, the content of the relevant provisions of the main points of the tax negotiation is not clear, and it is necessary to explain. For this purpose, this art icle tries to organize the connotation of the system and related regulations with the topic, in the hope that the public can have a deeper understanding of this issue.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、稅務協談與稅捐法律主義及行政契約 一、稅務協談之基本概念與稅捐法律主義 二、稅務協談與行政契約之關係 (一)核課處分所依據之事實或法律關係經依職權調查仍不能確定 (二)締結之行政契約可有效達成行政目的並解決爭執 (三)行政契約之締結將取代核課處分 (四)相互讓步亦應為行程法上和解契約之內涵 三、稅務協談與核課處分之關係 (一)稅務協談對於核課處分之拘束 (二)具有瑕疵之稅務協談對於核課處分之影響 四、稅務協談與文書單一性 五、行程法上特殊條款與稅務協談 六、實務觀點之說明 七、行政爭訟程序中之和解 八、小結 參、事實上協議之提出與反思 一、事實上協議見解之提出 二、對於事實上協議之反思 (一)事實上協議與法律關係之釐清 (二)基於現實因素而設計之稅法制度 (三)事實上協議與行訴法上和解-由稅捐法律主義之目的思考 三、由德國法觀點思考我國稅務協談之問題 (一)依職權調查原則進行事實調查 (二)對於事實上協議之原因事實所涉範疇之理解 (三)對於事實上協議之性質認定 (四)事實上協議之拘束力問題 (五)法典化之建議 肆、對於協談作業要點之觀察 一、協談作業要點之定位 二、對於協談事項發動原因之釐清 三、稅務協談之時間、地點及徵詢他單位問題 四、稅務協談之錄音錄影 五、稅務協談之書面及其拘束力 (一)對於稅務協談拘束力之理解 (二)對於儘量遵照協談結果辦理規定之釐清 (三)對於「新事實」及「新證據」之詮釋 (四)稅務協談效力之擴大化 六、相關稽徵機關所定協談規定 (一)稅務協談請求權之初探 (二)稅務協談之拘束力 七、稅捐稽徵機關調查程序應行注意事項 伍、結語
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