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2021 臺灣智慧醫院發展趨勢調查(2021 Survey on the Development Trend of Smart Hospitals in Taiwan)
編著譯者: 鍾翰其郭惠雯
出版日期: 2022.01
刊登出處: 台灣/醫療品質雜誌第 16 卷 第 1 期/6-10 頁
頁  數: 5 點閱次數: 257
下載點數: 20 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 智慧醫院智慧醫療台灣智慧醫療創新整合平台
中文摘要: 「科技」可提升服務效能、改善醫療安全與品質,且正在快速的改變醫院的服務樣貌。財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會與科技產業媒體 DIGITIMES 合作,於 2021 年 9 至 11 月針對 300 家醫院進行問卷調查。調查結果發現醫學中心投入資訊科技的資源遠高於其他層級,且有41%已設有智慧醫療專責單位,統籌全院專案與跨部門合作;反觀非醫學中心醫院則與醫學中心有相當大的落差。不同層級醫院的智慧化程度及需求差異大,且以配合健保及衛生政策為主要驅動因素,醫學中心已邁向人工智慧的應用,非醫學中心尚以自動化排程為主要需求。在發展限制部分,60%的區域醫院與地區醫院的智慧醫療發展受限於預算,82%的醫學中心表示缺乏跨專業人才。
英文關鍵詞: smart hospitalsmart healthcareHealth Smart TaiwaneHealth
英文摘要: Technology improves service efficiency and safety and quality of patient care, and is rapidly changing the appearance of hospital services. From September to November 2021, the Joint Commission of Taiwan collaborated with DIGITIMES, a technology industry medium, in conducting a questionnaire on 300 hospitals. The results indicated that medical centers have invested considerably more resources in information technology than non-medical center hospitals, and 41% of the medical centers have set up units specialized in smart healthcare to coordinate projects and cross-departmental collaboration. Hospitals at different levels differ substantially in their levels of smart technology and their demand for it. With National Health Insurance and healthcare policies as the main driving factors, medical centers have endeavored to apply artificial intelligence, whereas non-medical center hospitals have continued to prioritize automated scheduling as their main requirements. In regards with limitations in development, 60% of the regional hospitals and district hospitals in Taiwan are limited in their budgets for developing smart healthcare, and 82% of the surveyed medical centers expressed a lack of cross-departmental talents.
鍾翰其、郭惠雯,2021 臺灣智慧醫院發展趨勢調查,醫療品質雜誌,第 16 卷 第 1 期,6-10 頁,2022年01月。