關 鍵 詞: |
防疫刑法;風險刑法;新冠肺炎;抽象危險犯;法益;法治國原則 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Pandemic Criminal Law;Risk Criminal Law;COVID-19;Abstract Offence of Endangerment;Legal Interest;Rule-of-Law |
英文摘要: |
This study first attempts to introduce and analyze the pandemic criminal law in Taiwan that was established in light of COVID-19. Then, it is critically to research the rule-of-law crises in which Taiwanese pandemic criminal law finds itself. In terms of its characteristics, Taiwanese pandemic criminal law is undoubtedly a critical risk criminal law in which the legitimacy deficit is always growing. However, this legitimacy deficit is not impossible to overcome. In order to reduce its legitimacy deficit, it should first concretely illuminate the outline and problem of the risks to be solved. Secondly, it is necessary to understand different risks by means of differentiated types of offenses. Finally, some controversial referring facts must be dispensed with in view of the requirements of parliamentary reservation and definiteness in legislation. Only those referring facts that can develop the specification function and reference function are allowed. Through this coping plan, it is possible to prevent the pandemic criminal law arising in the Corona-State of exception from turning into a normality in criminal law.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、臺灣防疫刑法的現狀 一、防疫刑法的概念範疇 二、妨害防疫物資取得行為規定 三、散布不實訊息行為規定 四、傳染他人行為規定 參、臺灣防疫刑法的特徵與危機 一、偏愛特別刑法的立法模式 二、從屬性構成要件要素的大量運用 三、保護法益界定的疑慮 四、小結:防疫刑法的本質正是風險刑法 肆、防疫刑法的正當性轉機 一、生命與健康風險才是防疫刑法的預防重心 二、禁止傳染他人行為規定作為個人法益保護手段 三、禁止妨害防疫物資準備與不實訊息管制規定作為集體法益保護手段 四、專業意見納入構成要件的正當立法模式 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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