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論臺灣參與《南印度洋漁業協定》(SIOFA)之程序與權益議題(On Procedural and Merit Issues concerning Taiwan’s Participation in the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement)
編著譯者: 姜皇池
出版日期: 2019.12
刊登出處: 台灣/中央警察大學水上警察學報第 8 期/53-97 頁
頁  數: 33 點閱次數: 318
下載點數: 132 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 姜皇池
關 鍵 詞: 捕魚實體區域漁業管理組織南印度洋漁業協定1995 年《魚群協定》
中文摘要: 自 1982 年聯合國《海洋法公約》針對公海捕魚自由作出限制,並且進一步對公海魚類種群的養護與管理措施有所規範。然而這樣的規範並不充足,不但對於 IUU 捕魚行為無法有效地遏止,尚且魚類種群資源之枯竭現象,也不因此有所減緩。正因為如此,1995 年聯合國又依據前述公約進一步制訂了 1995 年《魚群協定》。於此等協定架構下,不但強化了區域漁業管理組織於養護與管理高度洄游魚類種群與跨界魚類種群的地位,更是前所未有地創設了所謂的捕魚實體之概念。自此之後,台灣即藉此等實體概念,以會員身份參與相關區域漁業管理組織的運作。
從 2002 年起,南印度洋周邊沿海國,就該海域之「跨界魚類種群」之養護與管理問題,就設立新的區域漁業管理組織,進行相關談判。我國則是以「合作捕魚實體」於 2019 年 7 月 4 日加入《南印度洋漁業協定》。
本文的主要目的即在整理《SIOFA 協定》的談判歷程、分析捕魚實體於該協定架構下的權利、義務與運作參與,最終為我國於該組織的議事運作提供建議。
英文關鍵詞: fishing entitySIOFARFMOUNFSAlaw of the seastraddling fish stocks
英文摘要: With limitations of the freedom to fish on the high seas provided by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), further regulations on the conservation and management of the high seas fish stocks were also consequently stipulated by UNCLOS. However, the treaty, as mentioned earlier, didn't stop IUU fishing activities or curb the trend of depletion of the global high seas fish stocks, which reflected the incomplete and inadequate governance efforts to high seas fisheries. Therefore, the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA) was adopted under UNCLOS in 1995. Not only did UNFSA strengthen and establish the mandate and authority of RFMO to take conservation and management measures for straddling fish stocks or highly migratory fish stocks, but also create the legal concept of the fishing entity. Since then, Taiwan joins RFMOs as a member party in its capacity of fishing entity pursuant to the concerned RFMO conventions.
Since 2002, coastal States around the South Indian Ocean have been negotiating for the establishment of a new regional fishery management organization on the conservation and management of "straddling fish stocks" in South Indian Ocean. Taiwan joined the South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement as a "Cooperative Fishing Entity" on July 4, 2019.
The main purpose of this article is to sort out the negotiation process of the SIOFA Agreement, analyze the rights, obligations, and operational participation of fishing entities under the framework of the agreement as mentioned above, and finally provide suggestions on ways to apply and operate rules of procedure of this organization for Taiwan.
目  次: 壹、導言
姜皇池,論臺灣參與《南印度洋漁業協定》(SIOFA)之程序與權益議題,中央警察大學水上警察學報,第 8 期,53-97 頁,2019年12月。