關 鍵 詞: |
關鍵詞;附帶搜索;立即控制;明確性原則;一目瞭然法則;保護性掃視 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Search Incident to Lawful Arrest;Immediate Control;Bright-Line Rule;Plain View Doctrine;Protective Sweep |
英文摘要: |
The search system of the Code of Criminal Procedure adopts the principle of writs. In addition, for practical operation needs, an exception is admitted to search without writs. Search incident to lawful arrest is an example of search without writs. It is generally believed that as long as there is a lawful arrest, the incidental search must be carried out within the immediate control of the defendant. However, there are different views on whether the incidental search must still be carried out in the legally moving place of the defendant's body after arrest. This article is based on observations of the legal systems of the United States and Japan, to further examine the interpretation direction and application basis of my country's current legal norms from this topic.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、案例事實與爭點分析 一、事實摘要與判決要旨 二、問題爭點 參、美、日兩國法之觀察 一、美國法 (一)附帶搜索理論與實務之發展 (二)拘捕後「立即控制範圍」之延伸 (三)綜合分析 二、日本法 (一)現行法規定 (二)拘捕後「立即控制範圍」延伸之法理觀察 (三)綜合分析 肆、我國法之解釋與適用 一、附帶搜索規範目的與本質 二、立即控制範圍之時空界限 (一)時間之範圍 (二)空間之範圍 三、解釋與適用分析 (一)學說概觀 (二)應採的解釋方向 伍、結語
相關法條: |
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