關 鍵 詞: |
憲法訴訟法;受理範圍;裁判重要性;「以提請解釋法院之見解為準」法則 |
中文摘要: |
釋字第 793 號解釋對於臺北高等行政法院所聲請黨產條例是否合憲的爭議中,認定部分黨產條例合憲,但卻認其他更具爭議的部分非承審法院審理該黨產條例事件所應適用之法律,而駁回此部分之聲請。本文即從憲法訴訟法的觀點出發,檢視此一不受理部分。衡酌憲法訴訟法之學理與個案事實,大法官對此之不受理似有過度侵入專業法院認事用法權限之疑慮。
英文關鍵詞: |
Constitutional Court Procedure Law;Jurisdiction;Significant Nexus Test;Principle of thePrevailing Legal Findings of the Petitioning Court |
英文摘要: |
When reviewing whether the Act Governing the Settlement of Ill-Gotten Properties byPolitical Parties and Their Affiliate Organization (the “Act”) is constitutional in a casepetitioned by the Taipei High Administrative Court, the Constitutional Court, in Judicial YuanInterpretation No. 793, decided that part of the Act is consitutional and dismissed other morecontatious parts of Act on the basis that those parts are not the applicable statutory laws of thepending case of the Taipei High Administrative Court. This article reviews the part ofConstitutional Court decision to dismiss the case from the perspective of Constitutional CourtProcedure law. Based on the facts of the case and the Constitutional Court procedure laws, itseems that the Constitutional court has violated the authority of professional courts toinvestigate the facts and interprete the laws when deciding to dismiss the case.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出與論述步驟 貳、法官聲請釋憲之聲請客體與憲法解釋之審查客體 一、法官聲請釋憲之憲法訴訟類型:原因案件程序與釋憲程序之區分 二、原因案件之裁判重要性 參、釋字第 793 號解釋受理範圍之再檢視 一、誰來決定「裁判上應適用之法律」 二、具體法規審查中裁判重要性要件的再省思:與「重要關聯性」之辨正 三、應納入審查標的之論據 肆、解釋效力與其後續作用-代結論
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