關 鍵 詞: |
強制處分;精神障礙;暫行安置;鑑定留置;羈押 |
中文摘要: |
精神障礙者的違法暴力案件,深受民眾關注,進而催生 2022 年 2 月刑事訴訟法的暫行安置新制。在現行法下,當面對疑似精神障礙者的刑事案件,得先以鑑定留置,確認該被告之精神狀況,進而針對特定的精神障礙被告,施以暫行安置,在維護社會安全的同時,亦兼顧該被告的精神醫療需求。不過,鑑定留置與暫行安置,均屬限制人身自由的強制處分,在被告人權
英文關鍵詞: |
coercive measures;mental disorder;temporary placement;detention for expert examination;detention |
英文摘要: |
The constant occurrence of violent crimes by mentally ill person has caused people pay attention. As a result, February 2002, lawmaker made new system “Temporary Placement” in Criminal Procedure Law in Taiwan. At present, facing cases of suspected mentally ill criminals, judicial officers can use the detention for expert examination to confirm a defendant,s mental state. And then, judicial officers use the temporary placement for the specific mentally ill defendant is protecting social security and the defendant’s mental health. However, the detention for expert examination and the temporary placement both are coercive measures that restricts personal liberty. This paper is going to discuss the current law can fully protect the personal liberty of the accused or not.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、限制人身自由的鑑定留置與暫行安置 參、鑑定留置與人身自由保障 肆、暫行安置與人身自由保障 伍、結語
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