關 鍵 詞: |
公民參與;風險評估;透明化;嘉磷塞;歐洲公民倡議 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
citizen participation;risk assessment;transparency;glyphosate);European Citizens' Initiative |
英文摘要: |
This article reviews European Citizens' Initiative on banning glyphosate to protect people and the environment from toxic, and discusses citizen's participation on the issue of glyphosate residues. It also explores the transparency of pesticide risk assessment, analyzes the transformation of citizen's role on food safety issue from opponents to opinion participants, and the function of online civic engagement platform.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、農藥風險評估透明化之要求 一、我國農藥殘留風險評估法規 二、我國農藥風險評估資訊透明化之法制不足 參、歐洲公民倡議要求食品風險評估透明化 一、「禁嘉磷塞」公民倡議之呼籲內容 二、歐洲「禁嘉磷塞」公民倡議之初步回應 三、歐盟一般食品法對於風險評估透明化之修正 肆、食品安全議題之公民參與 一、人民從反對者到意見參與者的角色轉型 二、線上公民參與平臺的功能 伍、結語
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