關 鍵 詞: |
知識經濟;律師考試;法學教育;司法改革;專門職業及技術;專業律師;執業能力;適任性;職業團體;法官;檢察官;三合一考試;會計師考試;醫師考試 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
knowledge-based economy;bar examination;legal education;reform of judicial system;profession and technology;special layer;fitness;competence;professional group;judge;attorney at law;three-in-one examination;certificated public accountant examination;medical doctor examination |
英文摘要: |
Accompany with the development of knowledge-based economy, the profession classification is more and more sophisticate and diversified to cope with need of society. In addition to the traditional elements of productivity such as land, labor and capital, how to acquire and exercise certain kind of knowledge of expertise has became a critical element to production. The knowledge-based economy contains creation, learning and diffusion of knowledge, inter alia the skill knowledge is also included. The bar examination in Taiwan as interrelated to the legal education has been oriented by the academic and theoretical study. The bar examination is not able to cope with the needs of this society with knowledge-based economy, thus raise hot debate and controversies. Based on the aforesaid background and the reform of judicial system which is undertook, to consider the education, bar examination and practices as interrelated subjects, it need-less to say that the reform of bar examination system in Taiwan is desired. This paper proposes a two step bar examination reform to meet the need of knowledge-based economy society. At the same time, the number of layer could have been increased to fulfill the need of the state with rule of law and also avoid the waste of legal education resource. Accordingly, this paper dis-cusses the possible reform of bar examination in Taiwan from the viewpoint of knowledge-based economy which emphasizes the need of specialty in modern society. Meanwhile, a comparison between the bar examination system of United Stated and Germany is also utilized to justify the importance of vocational training to integrate into bar examination system.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、現行律師考試制度 參、律師考試與法學教育 肆、律師考試制度興革建議 一、律師考試與法學教育之結合 二、律師考試應考資格之限制 三、律師考試命題方式之改變 四、律師考試之錄取率宜予提昇或廢除 五、律師考試宜重視實務運作經驗 六、律師繼續教育制度之配套建構 七、確立檢察官及法官由律師甄選 伍、結論
相關法條: |
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