關 鍵 詞: |
釋字第785號解釋;特別權力關係;行政處分;不服再申訴決定之救濟;三階段判斷模式;顯屬輕微之侵害;權利保護必要性 |
中文摘要: |
公務人員保障法原始結構偏向二分法,唯有不服行政處分而提起復審之事件,後續得提起行政訴訟。但釋字第 785 號解釋突破此一陳舊不合理的架構,而指出人事行政上之非行政處分若有違法侵害公務員之情事,當事人不服再申訴決定時,得對之提起行政訴訟。此一合憲解釋,將保障法救濟體系由二分法重構為三分法,保訓會與行政法院後續如何落實此一解釋之意旨,值得關注。
英文關鍵詞: |
Interpretation No. 785;Special Authority Relationships;Administrative Disposition;Administrative Suit after the Refusal of Second Appeal;Three-phases Classification;Infringement that is Obviously Minor;the Need for Legal Protection |
英文摘要: |
The original structure of the Civil Service Protection Act is dualistic, and an administrative litigation can only be filed after a reexamination with an administrative disposition. However, Judicial Yuan's Interpretation No. 785 breaks through this obsolete structure, and points out that if a non-administrative disposition action in personnel administration is unlawful against a civil servant, the party may file an administrative litigation if he/she does not agree with the re-appeal decision. This J.Y. interpretation No. 785 reconstructs the relief system of the Civil Service Protection Act from a dichotomy to a trichotomy, and it is worth paying attention to how the Civil Service Protection & Training Commission and the Administrative Courts will implement this interpretation in the future.
目 次: |
壹、序說 貳、貫穿釋字第 785 號解釋前後的發展脈絡:賦予當事人完整充分的救濟管道 參、不服再申訴決定之行政訴訟相關問題 肆、結語
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