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國際法下臺灣海峽的航行制度—兼論臺灣海峽非國際水域論(The Navigational Passage Regime of Taiwan Strait: With Special Reference to the Argument that Taiwan Strait Is Not International Water)
編著譯者: 姜皇池
出版日期: 2023.02
刊登出處: 台灣/軍法專刊第 69 卷 第 1 期/1-36 頁
頁  數: 36 點閱次數: 791
下載點數: 144 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 軍法專刊社 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 用於國際航行的海峽臺灣海峽過境通行權無害通過權不得停止無害通過權
中文摘要: 美國長年來多以「國際水域」一詞指稱領海外的水域,儘管此非「聯合國海洋法公約」用語,但此用語從未引起重大爭議,然 2022 年 6 月中國大陸罕見大力抨擊美國以國際水域指稱臺灣海峽,並強調「臺灣海峽水域由兩岸向海峽中心線延伸,依次為中國的內水、領海、毗鄰區和專屬經濟區」。為此,本文從當代海洋法規範,並以 1982 年「聯合國海洋法公約」為主,除檢視臺灣海峽法律定位及所適用通行制度外,亦分析「國際水域」用語之適法性,以及中國大陸主張背後之法律以及政治意涵。結論認為,臺灣海峽並不適用過境通行制度,外國軍艦在臺灣海峽內的領海處享有無害通過權,在非領海處則享有專屬經濟海域之航行自由,而美國國際水域用法未牴觸相關國際法規範。最後,為避免臺灣海峽落為全由中國大陸管轄之水域,本文建議我國政府應適時公開表達尊重他國通行或飛越臺灣海峽中央水道,亦得宣傳通過臺灣海峽之外國軍艦之國籍、種類與數量,以維持臺灣海峽之國際性。
英文關鍵詞: Straits Used for International NavigationTaiwan StraitsTransit PassageInnocent PassageNon-Suspendable Innocent Passage
英文摘要: The United States has long used the term “international waters” to refer to the waters outside territorial waters. While this term is not a as contained in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, it has never caused significant controversy. However, in June of 2022, China rarely criticized the United States for using the term “international waters” to refer to the Taiwan Strait and emphasized that “the waters of the Taiwan Strait extend from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to the centerline of the Strait, and are in turn China’s internal waters, territorial waters, contiguous zone, and exclusive economic zone.” To this end, in light of contemporary law of the sea norms and primarily the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, this article examines the legal status of the Taiwan Strait and the applicable regime, and the legality of the term “international waters”, as well as the legal and political implications behind China’s claim. In conclusion, the Taiwan Strait is not subject to the transit passage regime. As to territorial waters within the Taiwan Strait, foreign warships enjoy the right of innocent passage. As to non-territorial waters within the Taiwan Strait, they enjoy freedom of navigation in exclusive economic zones. Lastly, this article suggests the Taiwan government should publicize the nationality, type, and number of warships of foreign countries passing through the Taiwan Strait with an aim to maintaining Taiwan Strait’s internationality. Otherwise, all waters in the Taiwan Strait might subject to China’s exclusive jurisdiction.
目  次: 壹、引言
姜皇池,國際法下臺灣海峽的航行制度—兼論臺灣海峽非國際水域論,軍法專刊,第 69 卷 第 1 期,1-36 頁,2023年02月。