關 鍵 詞: |
客工政策;移民;移工;移工聘僱許可;移民政策;移工留才久用方案 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Guest Worker Policy;Immigration;Migrant Worker;Work Permit for Migrant Workers;Immigration Policy;Long-term Retention Program for Migrant Workers |
英文摘要: |
It’s one of the administration’s responsibilities to respond to demographic changes. As Taiwan is facing two serious problems—a rapidly aging population and a low childbirth rate—one of the pressing issues is whether the government may handle the demographic problems by adjusting and controlling the migrant workers. It’s time to face and review the issue of whether Taiwan should abolish the strict guest worker policy that has been implemented for almost thirty years. Many scholars referred to the German laws as the foundation of Taiwan’s immigration (migrant workers) policy. However, they mistakenly believe that German immigration law is still based on the guest worker policy. In light of the above, this article attempts to review the history of Germany regarding how it transfers from a dishonorable country of guest workers to the biggest country of immigration in Europe as a reference for considering the abolishment of our guest worker policy. The article also compares the German immigration policy before and after 2005 and proposes that the government should accept migrant workers as a means to adjust and control immigration.
目 次: |
壹、前言 一、以移民作為回應人口變遷的手段 二、移民、移民法與移民調控 貳、我國客工政策的法制基礎及其侷限 一、階級有別的客工政策 二、客工政策所衍生的問題 (一)社會學的觀察 (二)法律學的觀察 參、移民調控觀點下的移民法-以德國移民法為借鏡對象 一、德國「客工」政策發展史:從「客工」到「移民」 (一)歷史進程 (二)法制面向上的評價 二、勞動移民的移民法調控 (一)從警察法走向移民法的外國人法制 (二)勞動移民調控 (三)單一窗口的行政程序 (四)移民法的基本立場 肆、對於現行客工制度的若干反思 一、偏狹的外籍勞工政策 二、單一聘僱許可制的反思 三、全然排除移民機會與整合期待 四、未顧及移工的婚姻家庭團聚需求 五、缺工時代下的新移民政策評價 伍、結論
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