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2022 年臺灣智慧醫療發展現況調查(2022 Survey on the Developmental Trend of Smart Health in Taiwan)
編著譯者: 林宛儀林勤真鍾翰其洪聖惠饒孝先郭惠雯徐珮嘉王拔群
出版日期: 2023.01
刊登出處: 台灣/醫療品質雜誌第 17 卷 第 1 期/6-12 頁
頁  數: 7 點閱次數: 532
下載點數: 28 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 授權者指定不分配權利金給作者)
關 鍵 詞: 智慧醫院智慧醫療數位醫療
中文摘要: 世界衛生組織將智慧醫療(eHealth)定義為資通訊科技在醫療及健康領域的應用,認為數位科技(Digital technologies)有助於推進全民健康覆蓋以及健康福祉相關的永續發展目標,衛生福利部第九期醫療網,亦將創造具韌性且智能的醫療照護體系訂為總目標之一。財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會持續於本(2022)年度進行全國醫院智慧醫療發展問卷普查,結果發現,在疫情影響之下,視訊診療、數位學習系統及遠距教學等導入比率較高,而目前各流程醫療智慧化的發展程度,以環境領域比例最低。AI 技術的應用是醫學中心未來一年的發展重點,非醫學中心則放在資訊安全。醫院政策、醫療人員需求及衛生政策分別為前三項推動的關鍵因素,差別在於地區醫院以醫衛政策為最優先考量。
英文關鍵詞: smart hospitalsmart healthdigital health
英文摘要: The World Health Organization defined eHealth as “the secure use of information and communications technologies in support of health and health-related fields”. Further, digital technologies are considered to contribute to advancing universal health coverage (UHC) and other health aims of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) when it comes to battling against health inequalities across the world. In Taiwan, the Ministry of Health has announced to build a resilient and smart healthcare system as one of its goals of the ninth medical care network plan. The census of the development of smart health conducted by the Joint Commission of Taiwan in 2022 found that virtual teleconferencing for disease diagnosis and treatment, digital learning systems, and distance learning sessions have been more widely applied due to the COVID-19 whereas the digital technologies applied in environmental management remains low among all hospitals. It’s foreseen that the applications of artificial intelligence technology will be the key in all medical centers in the following years while information security will be the focus for non-medical centers. In addition, the result also showed that hospital policies, medical personnel demands, and health policies are the top three key factors for promoting smart health at medical institutions while district hospitals put the health policies as the first priority.
目  次: 本文
AI 熱潮在醫學中心持續發酵,資訊安全為全國醫院最優先之重點
林宛儀、林勤真、鍾翰其、洪聖惠、饒孝先、郭惠雯、徐珮嘉、王拔群,2022 年臺灣智慧醫療發展現況調查,醫療品質雜誌,第 17 卷 第 1 期,6-12 頁,2023年01月。