關 鍵 詞: |
病人為中心整合照護;物理治療師;關節置換術疾病照護團隊;生活品質 |
中文摘要: |
義大醫院的宗旨為品質、卓越與創新。我們的策略目標是成為南臺灣社區健康的靠山,為了達到以病人為中心整合照護的價值,我們建置有效的品質監測及臨床稽核機制,以達到良好的品質成果,指標皆穩定達閾值之上。為達卓越與創新,每年會重新檢視監測品質指標項目,並依據照護服務執行狀況進行指標項目調整。本團隊與物理治療師著重個別性衛教指導及專門的諮詢管道,更結合長照 2.0 多元復能轉介,減輕病人在面對術前焦慮及術後復原的不安,增加居家自我照護能力。面臨臺灣老化社會,義大醫院關節置換術疾病照護團隊努力讓南臺灣的高齡者,擁有良好的生活品質。
英文關鍵詞: |
patient-centered integrated care;physical therapists;joint replacement team;quality of life |
英文摘要: |
The mission of E-Da Hospital is to strive for excellence, to innovate, and to provide high-quality services. Our strategy is to be a beacon of health in South Taiwan. To ensure patient-centered integrated care, we have implemented a quality management system and clinical audits to provide precise services to the highest level of excellence in all areas. Every year, all items are re-examined and adjusted in accordance with the status of the program. In combination with multifunction rehabilitation and Long-Term Care Service 2.0 , our team of physical therapists focuses on individualized education and professional consultation to reduce patients’ anxiety before and after surgery and increase their self-care abilities. As the population of Taiwan ages, our joint replacement team is taking a major step forward in advancing the quality of life for elderly people.
目 次: |
案例分享: 前言 物理治療師參與關節置換照護品質認證的收穫與蛻變 疾病照護品質認證的價值
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