關 鍵 詞: |
公民與政治權利國際公約;湯景華;生命權;公平審判;違法羈押 |
中文摘要: |
本文從《公民與政治權利國際公約》檢視湯景華縱火案發現該案之歷審裁判有「對於非情節最嚴重罪行逕判處死刑、就精神障礙因子之作用未盡釐清、漏未審酌調查死刑量刑事由,以及違法羈押」等問題,此等均有違反《公民與政治權利國際公約》第 14 條公平審判、第 6 條生命權保障條款之疑慮。而這般嚴重的人權公約違反,宛如房間裡明明有隻大象這麼明顯的事情,卻從頭至尾被司法權力者裝作沒看到或不願意去碰觸。本文從學理角度評析湯案歷審裁判指出,辦理死刑案件時常見的罪刑法定、妥速審判、正當程序這幾頭人權「大象」,並提出相關建議,期盼司法權力者未來就相關案件之人權公約議題,都能夠正確理解、嚴肅以對。
英文關鍵詞: |
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR);Tang Ching-Hua;right to life;fair trial;unlawful detention |
英文摘要: |
This paper examines the Tang Ching-Hua's case from the perspectives of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and finds that, in the previous trial judgments in the case, the death penalty for crimes that are not the most serious, the role of mental disorder factors not being properly considered, failure to investigate the reasons fbr the death penalty, and the unlawful detention are all violations of the ICCPR. The violation of the ICCPR in Tang's case is like something as obvious as "an elephant in the room", This paper analyzes and points out these "elephants" common in handling death penalty cases from a theoretical point of view, and puts forward relevant suggestions. The author hopes that the judicial authority should correctly understand and take seriously the ICCPR issues of relevant cases in the future.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、湯景華縱火案之案例事實及裁判情形 參、綜合評釋 一、間接故意與情節最嚴重罪行之解釋 二、精障因子之作用 三、量刑鑑定與調查 四、違法羈押與訴訟延遲疑慮 肆、結論
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