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檢察官就被告具「累犯事實」及「加重量刑事項」之舉證或說明責任-以最高法院刑事大法庭 110 年度台上大字第 5660 號裁定為中心(Prosecutors Shall Bear the Burden of Proof with the Obligation for Providing Clear Explanations of “Facts for Repeated Offending” and “Crimes that Should Be Aggregated”: Centered on “110 Year Taishang Dazi No. 5660” Ruling of the Supreme Court of Taiwan)
編著譯者: 邱忠義
出版日期: 2022.09
刊登出處: 台灣/交大法學評論第 11 期/95-134 頁
頁  數: 26 點閱次數: 321
下載點數: 104 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 邱忠義
關 鍵 詞: 改良式當事人進行主義累犯舉證責任說明責任嚴格證明
中文摘要: 臺灣司法實務雖早已改採改良式當事人進行主義,惟仍有若干思維殘存糾問主義色彩,尤其是對被告不利益之事項,仍遺留著職權進行主義之餘威。以累犯為例,司法實務向認為關於被告具有「累犯事實」以及「應加重量刑之事項」,屬於法院認定事實與適用法律之基礎事項,客觀上有調查之必要性,法院「應」依職權加以調查。惟最高法院刑事大法庭 110 年度台上大字第 5660 號裁定,藉助於司法院釋字第 775 號解釋所蘊涵的司法改革理路,做出震撼性的宣告:上開累犯事項,應分別由檢察官負舉證、說明責任。此一裁定,雖是最高法院擺脫職權進行主義舊例的一小步,但已足以將司法改革之路往前推進一大步。
英文關鍵詞: Modified Adversary SystemRepeated OffendingBurden of ProofProvideRule of Strict Proof
英文摘要: Although the “modified adversary system” has been adopted by Taiwan’s criminal practice for a long while, somewhat extents of the “inquisitorial system” remain. In particular, the “inquisitorial system” still shadows matters disadvantaged to the defendant. Using a repeated offender as an example, in Taiwan’s judicial practice, it is believed that “facts for repeated offending” and “crimes that should be aggregated” are basic matters that the court shall know for determining the facts and applying laws. Thus, it is believed that the court “shall” investigate these basic matters ex officio. However, the “110 Year Taishang Dazi No. 5660” ruling of the Supreme Court of Taiwan, which incorporated the judicial reform rationale given in “Judicial Yuan’s interpretation No. 755,” surprisingly stated that, regarding the above two basic matters for the repeated offenders, prosecutors shall bear the burden of proof with the obligation for providing clear explanations. Though this ruling may be merely a small step for the Taiwan Supreme Court to get rid of the “inquisitorial system”, it is enough to push the Taiwanese judicial reform to make a giant step.
目  次: 1. 前言
2. 本案基礎事實及法律問題
 2.1 基礎事實
 2.2 法律問題
3. 檢察官舉證及說明責任之爭議
 3.1 法律見解之各方看法
  3.1.1 否定說
  3.1.2 區分說
  3.1.3 肯定說
 3.2 上開不同法律見解之問題點及評析
  3.2.1 否定說困境
  3.2.2 區分說困境
  3.2.3 肯定說困境
  3.2.4 評析
4. 最高法院刑事大法庭見解(110 年度台上大字第 5660 號裁定)
 4.1 檢察官就被告前階段「累犯事實」之舉證責任及後階段「加重量刑事項」之說明責任
  4.1.1 檢察官就前階段被告具有「累犯事實」之舉證責任
  4.1.2 檢察官就後階段被告依累犯規定「加重其刑事項」之說明責任
 4.2 檢察官具體指出證明方法之實質內涵
  4.2.1 關於前階段「累犯事實」
  4.2.2 關於後階段「加重量刑事項」
 4.3 同一加重科刑事由禁止雙重評價
 4.4 大法庭裁定之向後之事實拘束力
 4.5 未加重其刑時之主文諭知等項
5. 結論
邱忠義,檢察官就被告具「累犯事實」及「加重量刑事項」之舉證或說明責任-以最高法院刑事大法庭 110 年度台上大字第 5660 號裁定為中心,交大法學評論,第 11 期,95-134 頁,2022年09月。