關 鍵 詞: |
非人道或侮辱處遇;歐洲人權公約;人性尊嚴;間接水平效力;禁止歧視 |
中文摘要: |
歐洲人權公約第 3 條係絕對保障。然於界定系爭事實是否達其「最低嚴重性」時,仍適用比例原則。歐洲人權法院運用動態解釋,延展公約第 3 條保障範疇,透過國家積極義務發展間接水平效力。公約原欠缺譴責有規模系統性歧視之條款,惟歐洲人權法院借重國際或歐洲之共識適用第 3 條,比照強制失蹤之國家義務認定,追究國家特殊弱勢保障機制之系統性失靈,督促消弭超越公私領域之重大歧視。嚴重系統性歧視構成以公約第 3 條取代第 8 條之背景。惟就相關判決手法,尚存第3條是否直接禁止歧視,或涉及第 14 條參照第 3 條之待決議題。
英文關鍵詞: |
inhuman or degrading treatments or punishments;European Convention on Human Rights;horizontal effect;prohibition of discrimination |
英文摘要: |
Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is an absolute protection. Nevertheless, while assessing whether an al-leged fact reaches "a minimum level of severity" to invoke Article 3, there must be a proportionality review. Through its dynamic inter-pretation, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) steadily extends the protection of Article 3 beyond the classical definition of torture, reaching the level of indirect horizontal effect through the development of positive obligations. Due to the absence of a clause condemning massive and system-atic discriminations in the ECHR, the ECtHR has replied to observa-tions from international and European institutions, and even credible NGOs, to apply Article 3 in cases involving serious human rights vio-lations. The Court is concerned about State accountability in disputed enforced disappearance cases. With Article 3, it questions the failures of State protection system vis-?-vis particularly vulnerable individuals and therefore urges States to eliminate systematic discrimination both in private and public spheres. The failure of mechanisms protecting fundamental human dignity results in serious systematic discrimination. This might have been the core concern of the ECtHR's application of Article 3 in ratione mate-riae traditionally within the ambit of Article 8. However, concerning the question of which way would best illustrate the Court's determination to condemn such discrimination, Article 3 alone, or Article 14 read in conjunction with Article 3, it seems the Court still needs to clarify its approach.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、歐洲人權公約第3條介入私人間行為之前提 一、公約第 3 條適用門檻及其原則 二、公約第 3 條間接水平效力的開展 參、尊嚴、歧視與私人間侮辱待遇 一、禁止歧視與人性尊嚴 二、以侮辱待遇譴責系統性歧視 肆、結論
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