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促進人工智慧產業發展的立法趨勢-以「深圳經濟特區人工智能產業促進條例」為借鏡(The Legislative Direction to Promote the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry: Taking Reference from the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Artificial Intelligence Industry Promotion Regulations)
編著譯者: 王紀軒
出版日期: 2023.06
刊登出處: 台灣/玄奘法律學報第 39 期/121-164 頁
頁  數: 28 點閱次數: 242
下載點數: 112 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 王紀軒
關 鍵 詞: 治理產業監管人工智慧基礎建設人工智慧產業
中文摘要: 人工智慧產業的發展,與國家經濟、科技及社會發展等,具有密切關係。放眼未來,若人工智慧產業的發展,能夠取得良好成效,對於國家的競爭力、影響力,以及產業結構等,均有助益。也因如此,人工智慧產業的發展,成為兵家必爭之地,世界主要國家或地區都十分重視;臺灣作為科技島嶼,具有深厚的科技產業底蘊,自然不能錯過如此重要的發展機遇。對此,政府先後於 2018 年、2023 年推出「臺灣 AI 行動計畫(2018-2021年)」、「臺灣 AI 行動計畫 2.0(2023-2026 年)」,是以人工智慧產業發展為重點,希望藉此實現臺灣人工智慧社會的美好願景。
不過,要能促進人工智慧產業發展,必須有相應的法律規範,才能將相關的促進產業發展措施,真正落到實處。平心而論,臺灣的人工智慧法制較為單薄,所以 2023 年的臺灣 AI 行動計畫 2.0,將人工智慧法制的建構,作為重要的施政計畫目標。相形之下,同樣作為科技產業發展重鎮的深圳,在法制上,似乎較為積極。2022 年 8 月,深圳出台「深圳經濟特區人工智能產業促進條例」,是大陸首部促進人工智慧產業發展的法規。該條例的內容包含:確立產業發展方向,落實科技研發創新,建構完善基礎設施,拓展產業發展面向,以及訂定治理監管模式等,平心而論,具有值得參考之處。其實,臺灣本身就有為數不少的產業發展專法,如文化創意產業發展法、生技醫藥產業發展條例、國防產業發展條例等,審酌人工智慧產業具有產業的特殊性,以及政策的重要性,也可以考慮制定促進人工智慧產業發展的專法,以促進臺灣人工智慧產業的成長。
英文關鍵詞: GovernanceIndustryRegulationArtificial IntelligenceInfrastructureArtificial Intelligence Industry
英文摘要: The development of the artificial intelligence industry is closely related to the country's economy, technology, society, etc. Looking ahead, if the development of the artificial intelligence industry can achieve good results, it will be beneficial to the country's competitiveness, influence, and industrial structure. Because of this, the development of the artificial intelligence industry is very important, and major countries or regions in the world attach great importance to it. Taiwan is a technology island with excellent technology industries and cannot miss such an important development opportunity. In order to develop artificial intelligence, the government has successively launched the "Taiwan AI Action Plan (2018-2021)" and "Taiwan AI Action Plan 2.0 (2023-2026)''. These plans focus on the development of the artificial intelligence industry and hope to achieve the ideal of an artificial intelligence society in Taiwan.
However, in order to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry, there must be relevant legal norms to implement relevant measures to promote the development of the industry. To be honest, Taiwan's artificial intelligence legal system is relatively weak, so the construction of artificial intelligence legal system will be an important policy goal of "Taiwan AI Action Plan 2.0" in 2023. By contrast, in terms of legal system, Shenzhen that is an important technological development city is more active. In August 2022, Shenzhen made the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Artificial Intelligence Industry Promotion Regulations", which is the first regulation in China mainland to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry. The content of the regulation includes: establishing the direction of industry development, implementing scientific and technological research and development innovation, constructing perfect infrastructure, expanding the development of industry orientation, and formulating governance and regulatory models. To be honest, it has some reference value. In fact, Taiwan has many specialized laws for industrial development, such as Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, Act for the Development of Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry, Defense Industry Development Act and so on. Considering the special nature of the artificial intelligence industry and the importance of policies, it is also possible to consider formulating specialized laws to promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry to promote the growth of artificial intelligence industry in Taiwan.
目  次: 壹、前言
王紀軒,促進人工智慧產業發展的立法趨勢-以「深圳經濟特區人工智能產業促進條例」為借鏡,玄奘法律學報,第 39 期,121-164 頁,2023年06月。