關 鍵 詞: |
最終爭點法則;鑑定人;精神失常;特別知識經驗 |
中文摘要: |
依刑事訴訟法第 198 條:「鑑定人由審判長、受命法官或檢察官就下列之人選任一人或數人充之:一、就鑑定事項有特別知識經驗者。二、經政府機關委任有鑑定職務者。」規定,法院得以鑑定人協助了解證據或事實。惟關於鑑定適用之限制,現行法並未有所規範。美國法上之最終爭點法則於我國有無適用?應加探討,以免誤用導致事實認定錯誤,妨礙審判公正。
英文關鍵詞: |
Ultimate Issue Rule;Expert Witness;Mental Disorder;Expertise |
英文摘要: |
The court may employ the expert witness to realize evidence and the fact according to Article 198 of the ROC Criminal Procedure Code, providing that: “A presiding judge, commissioned judge, or public prosecutor may select one or more expert witnesses from the following: (1) A person who has special knowledge and experience concerning the matter which requires expert opinion; (2) A person who is commissioned by a public office to perform duties of an expert witness.” However, the current law does not limit the way to employ expert witness. Whether the ultimate issue rule derived from the Anglo-American system applies in the current system deserves further review so that any error in factfinding as well as criminal injustice would not result from misunderstanding of the rule.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、現行法制 參、美國專家證人最終爭點意見法則之發展 肆、最終爭點法則之檢討
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