關 鍵 詞: |
審查依據;基本權競合;結合基本權;法之獲取 |
中文摘要: |
違憲審查是一種以實踐取向的憲法釋義活動,亦且憲法本身開放性與社會變遷,在決定審查依據時發生相當困難。於審查程序進行時,無論在訴訟合法性與實體理由性階段,皆須就有無牴觸憲法、憲法上權限爭議之案件,須先提出特定憲法條文為解釋依據,窮索定義、作用與類型劃分為起點,再就職權行使與系爭法規範之正當性,進行個案疑義之權衡決定。 目前眼光多置重於審查密度,卻放過據以審查之權利,未從法概念論與法知識論深究本質所在。本文以檢討我國違憲審查案件起始,透過基本權競合與德國新進發展,期能增益於憲法釋義學的發展。
英文關鍵詞: |
concurrence of fundamental rights;combined fundamental rights |
英文摘要: |
Constitutional review constitutes a practical activity in constitutional interpretation. The openness of the constitution itself and societal changes, however, make it challenging to determine a definitive basis for this review. Currently, the primary focus is on establishing the foundation for review, yet the right to review is neglected. Furthermore, the nature of the review remains largely unexplored within conceptual legal theory. This article delves into the examination of constitutional complaints in Taiwan. We aim to contribute to the advancement of the science of constitutional interpretation by analyzing the interplay of fundamental rights and recent developments in Germany.
目 次: |
壹、審查依據之正確性 一、審查依據之待定 二、基本權作用的新解 貳、基本權競合作為審查依據 一、基本權競合 二、我國事例兼比較德國實務 參、結合基本權作為審查依據 一、基本權強化觀點 二、結合類型:基本權之重要性與承認 三、結合類型:基本權保障的主觀化 肆、結論
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