關 鍵 詞: |
手部衛生;手部感染;早期診斷 |
中文摘要: |
當手部皮膚、手指、角質層或指甲皺褶受傷時,就容易發生手部感染,手部感染很常見。它們可以影響所有年齡層的病人。感染有多種類型和原因,常見原因包括修指甲、指甲內嵌、咬傷或刺傷。感染可能出現在指甲皺褶、指尖或手上的任何地方。手部感染大致可分為淺層感染或深層感染,分別取決於它們是否涉及皮膚和皮下軟組織,或更深的結構。手部感染的範圍從手指、手掌及其深部組織,從病毒感染到細菌和真菌感染,影響差異很大。考慮併發症的風險,應教育病人有關手部感染的徵象和症狀,並鼓勵病人當出現任何相關異常時,應先取得醫師的評估,早期診斷及治療可以防止較輕微的感染發展為需要手術治療的感染。 同時預防手部感染的一般原則是從基本衛生開始,並在處理危險物質或從事危險工作時遵循安全守則,定期進行手部衛生有助於消除微物。
英文關鍵詞: |
hand hygiene;hand infection;early diagnosis |
英文摘要: |
Hand infections are common occurrences, particularly in injured hand skin, fingers, cuticles, or nail folds. These infections affect people of all ages and exist in many forms, with common causes such as manicure, ingrown nails, bites, or punctures. Hand infections can occur anywhere on the hand, including nail folds and fingertips, and may be superficial or deep depending on whether the skin, subcutaneous soft tissue, or deeper structures are involved. The effects of hand infections vary considerably with the infection site (e.g., finger or palm), dept (e.g., deep structure), and type (e.g., viral, bacterial, or fungal). Given the risk of complications, patients with hand infections should be educated about the signs and symptoms of hand infections. They should also be encouraged to seek medical attention upon observing any signs of infection to receive early diagnosis and treatment, thereby preventing mild infections from progressing to a stage that requires surgical treatment. To prevent hand infections, one should practice hand hygiene regularly as a general principle to avoid harmful microorganisms and follow relevant safety codes when handling hazardous materials or job tasks.
目 次: |
前言 手部感染介紹及預防 結論 參考文獻
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