關 鍵 詞: |
性別與健康;性別主流化;性別友善;性別意識 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
gender and health;gender mainstreaming;gender-friendly;gender awarene |
英文摘要: |
This study assessed Taiwan’s planned actions for gender mainstreaming, including its legislation, policies, and programs. Particularly, the discussion focused on how gender mainstreaming can be implemented, promoted, and practiced within the medical environment, which is heavily dependent on medical expertise, science, and technology. The medical environment’s alignment with national gender mainstreaming policies is key for Taiwan to connect with the world. Furthermore, this study investigated how the existing medical environment can utilize the six major tools to achieve gender mainstreaming, namely gender statistics, gender analysis, gender budgeting, gender impact assessment, gender awareness training, and gender equality mechanisms. The investigation enabled this study to identify potential gender stereotypes or lack of gender awareness that could result in gender disparities in various medical environments. Additionally, we discussed how gender mainstreaming practices could help address gender blind spots in medical environments, thereby improving the health-care quality for patients and also increasing the disadvantaged groups’ access to more convenient and friendly medical services. This, in turn, makes medical resources accessible to all and helps medical institutions achieve the ultimate goal of gender equality and of creating a gender-friendly environment.
目 次: |
前言 性別主流化下醫療健康 醫療臨床現場發現性別新觀點 建構醫療場域的性別平等 建構性別與健康之醫療場域 參考文獻
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