關 鍵 詞: |
計畫衡量;衡量瑕疵;部門計畫;綜合計畫;空間計畫 |
中文摘要: |
計畫行政已是今日行政作為中不可或缺的一環,尤其空間規劃實務事實上起自遠古,迄至今日仍是強烈牽動人民權利義務最重要公權力作用方式。而如何將(空間)計畫行政有效納入法治秩序之下予以規範,屬於現代行政法學的核心任務。 本文針對計畫行政決定做成模式,即衡量,簡單地進行法理上的整理,並站在國內已經引進學說之基礎上,強調計畫審查標的其實並非計畫決定之結果,而是該結果的合理性與事理上的可接受性,進而必須由計畫擬定機關就計畫決定結果負擔論證義務。並另就都市計畫司法審查方面,提醒若干迄今罕被注意的問題,供日後司法實務發展之用。
英文關鍵詞: |
Abwägungsgebot (balancing obligation, duty to consider);Abwägungsfehlerlehre;Sectoral Plan;Comprehensive Plan;Spatial Plan |
英文摘要: |
Planning is now a day essential part of administrative praxis. Especially the spatial planning praxis, which began since ancient epoch, but stay as one of the most influential administrative instruments, which the citizen’s rights restricts, and should be checked and controlled by judiciary. The so-called “Abwägungsgebot” {balancing obligation or duty to consider} as the core of planning decisions is the key element for the establishment of a legal control and monitoring system for planning decisions. While this article briefly introduces the concepts of the external and internal limits of the “Abwägungsgebot”, it also highlights the influences of sectoral plans, the burden of proof on planning authorities, and some rarely discussed problems of urban planning in Taiwan
目 次: |
壹、空間計畫的法理發展 貳、都市計畫的司法控管 參、結語
相關法條: |
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