關 鍵 詞: |
訴願;行政處分;行政裁判;明治憲法;違法;不當;合法性;合目的性 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
administrative appeal;administrative disposition;administrative litigation;Meiji Constitution;illegal;impropriety;legality;expedience |
英文摘要: |
The existing of the constitutional protection of the fundamental right to administrative appeal, taking the history of the ROC Constitution into account, is highly influenced by Japan. Besides, comparing with the administrative litigation, not only the unlawful administrative disposition but the improper one is incorporated into the scope of the administrative appeal review. How does this normative structure appear in the current Administrative Appeal Act during the process of inheriting the constitutional norms and system with comparative laws? Meanwhile, whether the concept of improper administrative disposition is still worthwhile, considering the continuingly increasing density of legality requirement for the rule of law? Those issues are what the article focuses on.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出 貳、憲法上之訴願 一、日本法律中「訴願」之出現 二、民國各憲法文本中之「訴願」 三、訴願權入憲之歷史偶然 參、行政處分「不當」作為訴願審理之範圍 一、行政處分「不當」之用語 二、行政處分「不當」之內涵 肆、行政處分「不當」概念之存廢 一、「行政處分不當」與「不當行政處分」之應用 二、訴願審理時果真審查行政處分雖不違法但屬不當而加以撤銷? 三、行政處分不違法而僅屬不當? 四、訴願審理行政處分不當之條件確實存在? 伍、結語
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