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評行政院 111 年版訴願法修正草案-訴願決定部分(Commenting on the Executive Yuan’s 2022 Amendment Draft of the Administrative Appeal Act: Appeal Decision Section)
編著譯者: 陳淑芳
出版日期: 2024.03
刊登出處: 台灣/公法研究第 8 期/75-112 頁
頁  數: 23 點閱次數: 141
下載點數: 92 點 銷售明細: 權利金查詢 變更售價
授 權 者: 陳淑芳
關 鍵 詞: 訴願決定訴願不受理事由受理訴願機關自為決定不利變更禁止原則訴願決定之效力
中文摘要: 我國於 19 年 3 月 24 日公布施行訴願法,至今共有七次的修正。最大的一次修正與變革係 87 年 10 月 28 日公布,89 年 7 月 1 日施行之訴願法(下稱現行規定)。然現行規定施行後,在實務上即衍生若干適用上的疑義;在學說上,也引起學者的討論,並有多位學者提出修法之建議。除有學者提出修法建議外,於現行規定施行將近 10 年時,行政院法規會即已開始著手訴願法之修正事宜。該會於徵詢與彙整各機關之意見後,曾提出暫定的訴願法部分條文修正草案版本,並自 98 年 8 月 4 日起,邀請學者專家進行逐條討論之研商事宜。又事隔 10 多年後,行政院以 111 年 5 月 19 日院臺規字第 1110175685 號函,將訴願法修正草案送請立法院審議。惟立法院第 10 屆會期已於 112 年 12 月結束,立法院並未審議通過該修正草案。依屆期不連續原則,行政院若欲繼續推動訴願法之修正事宜,須於立法院下一屆之會期中重新提案。雖然如此,行政院此次所提出之修正草案,應該是訴願法未來之修正方向與內容,而仍值得探討。本次修正的條文甚多,而本文僅針對訴願決定的部分予以評析;另會一併論及目前適用現行規定有關訴願決定部分所存有之問題。
英文關鍵詞: decision on an administrative appealgrounds for inadmissibility of an administrative appealself-determination of the authority receiving an administrative appealprinciple of the prohibition of unfavorable changeseffect of a decision on an administrative appeal
英文摘要: The Administrative Appeal Act was promulgated on March 24, 1930, and has been amended seven times since then. The most significant amendment and change was the Administrative Appeal Act, which was promulgated on October 28, 1998 and came into effect on July 1, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the current regulations). However, after the implementation of the current regulations, certain practical difficulties in application arose. In the academic field, it also aroused discussion among scholars, and a number of scholars proposed to amend the law. In addition to the scholars, proposals, the Council of Regulations of the Executive Yuan has been working on the amendment of the Administrative Appeal Act for almost 10 years after the implementation of the current regulations. After consulting and consolidating the opinions of various organizations, the Council proposed a tentative version of the draft amendments to some provisions of the Administrative Appeal Act, and invited scholars and experts to conduct article-by-article discussions on August 4, 2009, to discuss the matter. After a lapse of more than 10 years, the Executive Yuan sent the draft amendment to the Administrative Appeal Act to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation by Letter No. 1110175685 dated May 19, 2022 of the Executive Yuan. However, the 10th session of the Legislative Yuan ended in December, 2023, and the Legislative Yuan did not scrutinize and pass the draft amendment. According to the principle of discontinuity, if the Executive Yuan wants to continue to push for the amendment of the Administrative Appeal Act, it will have to re-propose the bill in the next session of the Legislative Yuan. Nevertheless, the draft amendment proposed by the Executive Yuan should be the direction and content of the future amendment of the Administrative Appeal Act, and it is still worth exploring. There are a lot of provisions in this amendment, and this article only focuses on the part of the decision of the administrative appeal, and will also discuss the problems in the application of the current regulations on the part of the decision of the administrative appeal.
目  次: 壹、前言
陳淑芳,評行政院 111 年版訴願法修正草案-訴願決定部分,公法研究,第 8 期,75-112 頁,2024年03月。