關 鍵 詞: |
身心障礙;遊樂園;停車;身障輔具;排隊;義肢;安全標準;風險預防;安全管制 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Physical and Mental Disabilities;Amusement Parks;Parking Lot;Assistive Devices;Queuing;Prosthetic Limbs;Safety Standards;Risk Prevention;Safety Control |
英文摘要: |
This article examines the park's safety prevention and control measures for people with disabilities from the perspective of the amusement park's visiting process and activities, such as parking, entering the park, queuing, and riding amusement facilities, etc. First of all, it is necessary to respect, whether or not, persons with disabilities claim their rights independently. Secondly, facing counterfeiting, infringing or using the identity of the disabled, improperly or illegally obtaining interests from the disabled, the park should give appropriate persuasion, refrain from or even take alternative strategies to turn down this situation. If it is necessary replacing or providing assistive devices for the disabled, or requiring removal of prosthetic limbs to take a ride, or immediately taking rides on specific facilities without queuing, it will be a good idea to fully and completely communicate and coordinate with the disabled person previously to arrange rides or not on specific facilities. If it is impossible or unable to communicate and coordinate in advance, life and health risk prevention may have leading priority decision for the disabled not to get any ride instead of personal misunderstanding and psychological discomfort.
目 次: |
壹、問題提出 貳、身心障礙權益發展沿革 一、正當合理歧視排斥身心障礙者 二、平等尊重身心障礙者權益 參、身障停車空間管制 一、停車安全 二、身障停車權利 肆、身心障礙者入園限制 伍、身障優先乘坐遊樂設施 一、聘僱身障導遊 二、身障遊客快速通關 三、精神障礙免排隊 陸、身障乘坐遊樂設施限制 一、逃生安全設施排除身障輔具 二、設計共融與可調整遊樂設施 三、危險遊樂設施限制身障乘坐 四、事先諮詢規劃遊園 五、體驗遊樂園整體氣氛 六、適當安排觀賞空間 柒、結論
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