關 鍵 詞: |
跟蹤騷擾防制法;書面告誡;保護令;性或性別;跟蹤騷擾罪 |
中文摘要: |
本文試圖透過官方的統計資料與學說、實務的見解,觀察並分析在跟蹤騷擾防制法在 2022 年 6 月 1 日正式施行後,防制跟蹤騷擾行為之效果與其問題。並提出個人的看法。在分析後,本文認為書面告誡雖然有其效果,但仍然必須想辦法解決書面告誡與保護令之間的保護空窗期,而保護令的效果部分亦有賴各機關之間的合作。而在跟蹤騷擾罪的討論中,本文對於把性或性別做最廣義解釋的實務見解抱持疑問,並嘗試對於跟蹤騷擾罪之法益,提出個人的看法。
英文關鍵詞: |
Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act;Written Warning;the Restraining Order;Sex or Gender;Offence of Stalking |
英文摘要: |
This Article attempts to observe and analyze the effects of preventing stalking behavior and its problems after the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act comes into force on June 1, 2022, through official statistics and academic and practical views. After analyzing those data, this Article clarifies that although the written warning has its effect, it is still necessary to find a way to solve the problem of Unprotected periods between the written warning and the Restraining Order, and the effect of the Restraining Order partly relies on the cooperation of government agencies. In the discussion of the offence of stalking, this article is skeptical of the practical view that sex or gender should be interpreted in the broadest sense, and attempts to provide a personal view on the legal benefits of the offence of stalking.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、警察與司法介入模式的成果檢視與檢討 一、警察介入模式(書面告誡) 二、司法介入模式(保護令) 三、小結 參、犯罪化模式的成果檢視與運作現況 一、運作現況與可能的問題 二、「與性或性別相關」之行為的解釋 三、保護法益的相關討論 四、小結 肆、結論與展望
相關法條: |
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