關 鍵 詞: |
不當銷售行為;公平交易法;消費者保護法;脫法行為;契約正義 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
Improper Sales Practices;Fair Trade Act;Consumer Protection Act;Acts Outside the Scope of Civil Law;Contractual Justice |
英文摘要: |
For a long time, improper sales practices have pervaded Taiwan's business environment, particularly within the beauty industry. Such improper sales practices are often challenging to address within the framework of traditional civil law. Moreover, industry participants, armed with a nuanced understanding of the law, make their sales activities appear consensual, creating a situation where seemingly legal consumer transactions with underlying issues cannot be effectively regulated. This article argues that the assessment of improper sales practices by beauty industry players should stem from the Fair Trade Commission's determination of violations of the Fair Trade Act. It contends that such improper sales practices should be considered as acts outside the scope of civil law, and judicial practices should be based on this foundation for adjudication. Furthermore, the article suggests that Taiwan's Consumer Protection Act should take cues from Japanese legal frameworks to incorporate the legal consequences of improper sales practices, thereby achieving a comprehensive legal remedy.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、相關實務見解整理 一、民事法院判決 二、公平交易委員會公處字第 111056 號處分書 三、本文見解 參、不當銷售行為之探討 一、不當銷售行為之日本見解 二、不當銷售行為於我國法制探討 肆、違反公平交易法之行為在民法之依據及效力 一、公平交易法之性質 二、違反公平交易法在民法之適用 伍、美容業者不當銷售行為之評價與立法展望 一、該不當銷售行為應屬脫法行為 二、契約正義取代契約自由 三、應於消費者保護法納入不當銷售之法律效果 陸、結語
相關法條: |
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