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從民主觀點論全國性公民投票之合憲性控制-以少數群體權利保障為核心(On the Constitutional Control of National Referendum: Striking a Balance between Democracy and the Protection of Minority Rights)
研 究 生: 賴又豪
指導教授: 許宗力(Tzong-Li Hsu)
出版日期: 2019.06
出版地區: 台灣
校院名稱: 國立臺灣大學法律學研究所碩士
頁  數: 278 點閱次數: 4785
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授 權 者: 賴又豪
關 鍵 詞: 直接民主公民投票合憲性控制少數群體同性婚姻人權不能公投審查標準
中文摘要: 隨著 2018 年公民投票法的法制鬆綁,臺灣社會很快地面臨到直接民主行使與少數權利保障之間的摩擦。為了調和兩者間的衝突,本文嘗試理論性地詮釋憲法民主原則的內涵,藉此探究應如何對全國性公民投票,特別是針對少數群體權利議題的公民投票施加合憲性控制。
奠基於此理論視角之上,本文論證我國憲法的民主圖像充分呼應「涵容民主」理念,在擴大參與及透過分權制衡來促進溝通妥協的動態決策過程中,形塑總體國民意志,使每一位國民、特別是少數群體成員的意志自由,能夠獲得制度性保障。而公民投票法旨在落實憲法第 17 條所保障創制、複決權利,亦即直接民主之行使,並應有助於擴大決策參與,並在與代議體制相互制衡的過程中,促進多數與少數間之溝通妥協。筆者並提出,與代議體制的相互制衡關係,以及基本權保障,皆構成直接民主行使的憲法界限。
英文關鍵詞: direct democracyreferendumconstitutional controlminority groupssame-sex marriageno referendum on human rightsstandards of judicial review
英文摘要: After loosening the regulation of the Referendum Act in 2018, the conflict between direct democracy and the protection of minority rights became a serious problem in Taiwanese society. In order to reconcile the contradictions, this thesis attempts to theoretically construct the connotation of the principle of the constitutional democracy, and based on this, it further explores how to control the constitutionality of national referendums, especially those restricting minority rights.
First of all, from the perspective of democratic theory, the author rejects the assumptions of homogeneous people and static popular will, and advocates that, in a plural and heterogeneous modern society, the concept of “inclusive democracy”, which demands participation, communication and compromise, should be emphasized, to ensure the freedom of the members of minority groups, which is essential to the realization of the ideal of democracy. In general, direct democracy helps to expand participation and deepen mutual communication and compromise in the process of “mixed democracy” that maintains checks and balances between direct and representative democracy. However, when ballot issues focus on the basic rights of specific minorities, the referendum mechanism tends to magnify the influence of prejudice, which results in the suppression of the will of minority people, and produces second-class citizens who are not equally respected within the political community. This paper believes that, at this time, it is fully legitimate for the judicial power to intervene and examine the constitutionality of the popular decision, thereby to expose hidden prejudice, and channel the dynamic process of democratic communication and reason–giving.
Based on the above theoretical perspective, this thesis argues that the democratic landscape of the Constitution fully echoes the concept of “inclusive democracy”, that is, a dynamic process of constructing sovereign will which ensures deeper participation and mutual communication and compromise through checks and balances among different political sectors. Through this process, the free will of each citizen can be guaranteed institutionally, and that is more so for the member of minority groups. Meanwhile, the Referendum Act aims to implement the rights of initiative and referendum guaranteed by Article 17 of the Constitution, that is, the exercise of direct democracy, and the mechanism created by the Act should help to expand participation and promote mutual communication and compromise through checks and balances between direct democracy and representative systems. The author also proposes that the mutual checks and balances, as well as the protection of constitutional rights, both constitute the constitutional boundaries of the exercise of direct democracy.
After the brief introduction of the current referendum system, the author examines the claim of "No referendum on human rights", exploring whether and how the Constitution permits the pre-election constitutional review of referendums. Through comparing and analyzing the referendum systems of various countries, it is found that there are numerous countries adopting pre-election control mechanisms, and mainly, the reviewers are judicial branches. The author further argues that the tradition of strong-form judicial review and the establishment of constitutional court provide institutional conditions to adopt prior review, and compared to political branches, the judiciary is more suitable for the role of impartial constitutional arbiter. Furthermore, the author proposes that the entire prohibition of prior review cannot be well justified; rather, the key point is how to reconcile the requirements of democratic communication and minority protection. Therefore, the author suggests that the court should adopt the most deferential attitude on the prior review of ballot measures. Only when the proposition is facially and patently unconstitutional and would cause a significant, urgent and irreparable damage, then it is justifiable to prohibit popular vote, and a ballot measure that limits the rights of minority groups may fall within this category. In the end, the thesis provides a concrete proposal to amend the existing law.
In respect of ex post constitutional review, the thesis focuses on the issue of "standards of judicial review", exploring whether and how the procedural characteristics of “mixed-democracy" affect the choice of levels of scrutiny. The author separately refutes the theory of non-influence, the theory of special respect and judicial suspicion, and advocates that the degree of the institutional design of the mixed-democracy in conformity with the democratic ideal of the Constitution should be considered to determine the standards of review. Whether communication and compromise are deepened through mutual checks and balances between direct democracy and representative democracy would be an intermediate criterion for the above decision of judicial attitude. After evaluating the current Referendum Act, this thesis believes that the overall decision-making process lacks the spirits of communication and compromise. In order to compensate for the neglect of minority opinions in the political process, the accustomed constitutional presumption of “legislative discretion”, which leads to the lower level of judicial scrutiny, should no longer be applied. Finally, the author proposes the possibility of categorization in specific spheres. Especially, in terms of the popular lawmaking to restrict minority rights, considering the influence of prejudice may be magnified, so that the minority groups would be suppressed, and even be devalued as second-class citizens; the constitutional court should adopt a strict scrutiny to help the minorities to be heard and fight against discrimination, thereby maintaining the ideal of democracy to guarantee that everyone is equal and free.
目  次: 第一章 緒論
 第一節 研究動機與文獻回顧
 第二節 研究問題與研究範圍
 第三節 研究觀點與研究架構
 第四節 概念與名詞說明
第二章 民主理論下的公民投票及少數群體權利保障
 第一節 公民投票之民主理論基礎
 第二節 直接民主與少數群體權利保障
 第三節 小結
第三章 憲法民主原則下的全國性公民投票法制
 第一節 臺灣憲法中的民主圖像
 第二節 憲政民主框架下的公民投票
 第三節 全國性公民投票法制及實踐
 第四節 小結
第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投?
 第一節 各國法制借鏡
 第二節 事前審查模式之制度分析
 第三節 事前司法審查之容許性?
 第四節 事前審查之審查標準
 第五節 事前合憲控制之修法建議
 第六節 小結
第五章 公投之事後合憲控制:審查標準問題
 第一節 審查標準之採擇—觀點舉隅
 第二節 公投帶來人民作主?-現行法制評價及審查標準採擇
 第三節 小結
第六章 結論
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1.第一章 緒論(124 點)
2.第二章 民主理論下的公民投票及少數群體權利保障 第一節 公民投票之民主理論基礎(132 點)
3.第二章 民主理論下的公民投票及少數群體權利保障 第二節 直接民主與少數群體權利保障(108 點)
4.第二章 民主理論下的公民投票及少數群體權利保障 第三節 小結(12 點)
5.第三章 憲法民主原則下的全國性公民投票法制 第一節 臺灣憲法中的民主圖像(64 點)
6.第三章 憲法民主原則下的全國性公民投票法制 第二節 憲政民主框架下的公民投票(64 點)
7.第三章 憲法民主原則下的全國性公民投票法制 第三節 全國性公民投票法制及實踐(92 點)
8.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第一節 各國法制借鏡(72 點)
9.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第二節 事前審查模式之制度分析(36 點)
10.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第三節 事前司法審查之容許性?(36 點)
11.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第四節 事前審查之審查標準(44 點)
12.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第五節 事前合憲控制之修法建議(88 點)
13.第四章 公投之事前合憲控制:人權不能公投? 第六節 小結(8 點)
14.第五章 公投之事後合憲控制:審查標準問題 第一節 審查標準之採擇-觀點舉隅(88 點)
15.第五章 公投之事後合憲控制:審查標準問題 第二節 公投帶來人民作主?-現行法制評價及審查標準採擇(96 點)
16.第五章 公投之事後合憲控制:審查標準問題 第三節 小結(12 點)
17.第六章 結論(36 點)