英文摘要: |
It has been well recognized by both theories and the courts that the relationship between physician and patient arises out of contract, moreover the rights and liabilities of the parties thereto should be governed by the general laws of contracts. However, for the past long time, actions for damages against physicians for injuries induced by medical services to a patient used to be based solely on tort but not on contract, and the courts also regarded the action as tort action. Accordingly, the contract theory in physician-patient relationship has been inappropriately neglected and poorly elaborated in this country. The amendment and promulgation of Article 227 and 227-1 of Civil Code in 1999, extends the range of recovery for damages to personal rights due to breach of contract to that almost the same as can be claimed out of tort, meanwhile the burden of proof and statue of limitations are both in favor of the plaintiff in the amended provisions. On the other hand, Article 82 of Medical Service Act in 2004 validates the intent and negligence would be the essential conditions for establishing the liability of medical practitioners, which implies the exemption the medical services from product liabilities (pleaded as tort action). All these changes will certainly make a great move from tort to contract which the future action for medical malpractice will grow from. It is quite about time to make a better exposition on the medical contracts. This article elaborates the characteristics of medical services, namely the diversities, invasiveness, coordination, discretion, professionalism, limitation, and uncertainty in the leading Chapter 2, which will help to make better understanding on the differences between medical services and other commercial services. The parties who exactly enter into medical contracts are expounded in Chapter 3 with special notion about the fetus herein. How, when, and how many the medical contracts are created are dealt with in Chapter 4 in order to delimit precisely the demarcation line of medical contracts. The nature of medical contract is discussed in Chapter 5, where classic disputes are fully presented and a novel canvass is introduced wherein. Chapter 6 of this article described the rights and obligations out of medical contract. In Chapter 7, a thorough elaboration is made on the “Informed Consent Doctrine", with especial emphasis upon its dual effects in tort and contract aspects on medical contracts. All the preceding chapters serve to draw the outline of the medical contract. According to the provisions and principles of Civil Code, the medical practice actually arise mainly out of contract, and for the minor part, might be quasi-contract or just tort in itself, which respectively constitutes different forms of physician-patient relationship. By elaborating in depth hereinbefore the parties, creation, elements, nature, rights, obligations and liabilities of “medical contracts", Chapter 8 in this article emphasizes that we should make a precise distinction among the tort, quasi-contract and contract upon which the action for malpractice should be appropriately based. A systemic approaching model was proposed at the end of the article, Chapter 9, to help reviewing the rights and liabilities arising out of the different forms of physician-patient relationship. In the last paragraph, this article would like to reveal the essence of medical ethics in medical contracts.
參考文獻: |
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