關 鍵 詞: |
洗錢;金融機構;洗錢防制法;反洗錢;金融犯罪 |
中文摘要: |
英文關鍵詞: |
money laundering;financial institution;Money Laundering Control Act;anti-money laundering;financial crime |
英文摘要: |
Criminals have long used money laundering schemes to conceal or clean the source of fraudulently obtained or stolen funds. Money laundering poses more significant risks to the development of national economy than the traditional crime. The financial institution, as a financial intermediary, plays an important role in preventing money laundering. In order to fight against money laundering, Taiwan's Money Laundering Control Act requires financial institutions take a series of measures to prevent money laundering. This article begins with a discussion of international regulatory framework against money laundering, and analyzes Taiwan's legal framework relating to the financial institution's anti-money laundering regulation through a comparative study of the US and British laws. Finally, it offers suggestions for improving the Taiwanese anti-money laundering regime.
目 次: |
壹、前言 貳、國際間有關金融機構洗錢防制之重要規範 一、聯合國洗錢防制之相關公約 二、防制洗錢金融行動工作組織之建議 三、巴塞爾委員會之聲明 四、艾格蒙聯盟 五、小結 參、英美兩國有關金融機構洗錢防制之規範與運作機制 一、美國 二、英國 三、比較分析 肆、我國現行金融機構洗錢防制之規範與省思 一、我國現行金融機構洗錢防制之規範 二、我國金融機構洗錢防制所面臨之問題 三、本文建議 伍、結論
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